2. Farewell to a Freind...
#2 of Lovers and Legends
Woh! Hold on if this is the first time you have taken a look at my Lovers and Legends series then you have missed the opening of the story. Please read chapter 1. Check Mate. :3~ ~Skie Moonstone~
Ren'sen Snowtail (c) Skie Yifu (i.e. myself)
Minks Silvercloud (c) herself (my mate)
Burning Dawn and other A.I.'s (c) myself
Odin Plateau
Sentinel Colony Ship 'Faith'
Sethirea Prime
0600 Zulu
Ren'sen Snowtail was with Minks Silvercloud inspecting the hull of her ship, the SS Fire Angle, which was docked into one of the two carryall modules of the SCS Faith. A yard away Ren'sen's friend of twenty years, Kelva Dolov, was doing the same to his ship the, SS Razorback. Both ships where top of the line, Sentinel Assault craft, nicknamed 'Death Dealers' because they carried four ion rail guns, two plasma chain guns, two batteries of kinetic missile launchers, and an ion Plasma cannon (not the standard ion cannon most ships where equipped with), as well as a fast cooling system for their triple battle screen, they could dish out as much as they could take and then some. Ren'sen looked over at Kelva. He was a brown squirrel with bleached blonde hair cut into the familiar Military buzz cut. Ren'sen thought him quite sexy, what with the toned body from a militant life style and those luminous green eyes, not to mention he had a way with the ladies that made them melt in his arms. He was dressed in the black uniform of a Ship Master, as was Ren'sen herself. Kelva caught her eyeing him and smiled. Ren'sen looked back at the matte jet black hull of her ship, her face red with blush. Minks walked over to her and noticed the blush.
"Whatca thinking about Amana'ora (Amana'ora - lover)?" Minks said with a smirk.
Ren'sen had to look down at her because she was at least a head shorter than she was. She was not what one would assume. Minks was an albino white Rabbit with blood red waist lengths hair pulled into twin pony tails, luminous red eyes and a slender feminine figure, unlike Kelva she did not have much muscle tone on her, she was in great shape but she did not enjoy the work outs as much as Kelva. She was wearing a white lab coat, fitting since she was the leading science officer on the colony mission. Ren'sens thoughts turned to what she and Minks had done earlier that day, she was extremely talented in bed, and she felt her face heat up again, no doubt in her mind that she was blushing again.
"Oh ho! There she goes again!" Minks said and burst out laughing.
Ren'sen ran over to the polished steel wall of one of the hangers and looked at her reflection. Staring back at her was an inverted black and white skunkett, her hair was black with white tips and pulled into twin pony tails just like Minks. She had purple eyes and sharp fangs, most thought that strange, but then again few knew that Ren'sen was part vampire. Her body was on the slender side just like Minks but she had a bigger chest than her mate, and a huge fluffy tail. She reached up and adjusted the glasses on her nose, which behind a dull red blush could be seen thought her fur.
Ren'sen had just finished inspecting herself in her reflection, when one of the dock workers shouted and pointed at the sky, Rens'sen turned to look. Bright flashes could be seen in the sky and every Sentinel ship in the area was lifting off and boosting toward low orbit.
"What's going on?" asked Minks as she ran up to her.
"I don't know. What ever it is it can't be good, look at all the commotion." Ren'sen said.
Ren'sen's headset emitted a beeping warble and whent silent. From the shocked looks on all the other faces, she surmised that every one else had gotten the "Attention! Under Fire!" call as well.
"All ships heed and stand to, we are under Hunter attack. I repeat we are under Hunter attack! This is not a drill." A voice rang over the headset's earpiece, just as sirens started to wail across the nearby cities. The landing pad broke out into a frenzy of activity as the base personnel rushed to get to their ships. Ren'sen looked back up as the sky filled with flashes of light and it started to rain flaming comets of pieces of destroyed ships falling back to the planet. As she stood there distant cracks and booms of explosions could be heard coming from high orbit as the two battle groups converged on each other.
"All right you heard the call! Lilly, Minks, get the rest of the crew into the cryo tubes, the colony mission is moving ahead of schedule. All defense personnel are to report to there duty stations immediately! We are dusting off in ten minutes." Ren'sen shouted as she ran for the main hatch of her ship.
Out of the corner of her eye she saw Kelva salute her, but then she was inside the ship and buckling in to the command chair.
Ten minutes later, with the ships non essential crew locked in cryo, the ship's engine drive started with a subsonic hum. With in minutes it was heading for low escape orbit so it could activate its Jumper, the drive that allowed it to cross vast distances in a single movement.
A holo screen opened showing Kelva, who despite being a veteran still looked nervous.
"Ship Master Ren'sen." He said with a nod.
"Ship Master Kelva." Ren'sen relied with a nod of her own.
"You realize we are not as effective this time." He said with a grim look.
"Yes I am well aware of that. We will wait until we can not wait any longer then open fire, if necessary." She replied with a frown. 'We are at a disadvantage...' she thought. Since they where linked with the carryall modules of the colony ship they blended in with the various parts of the ship and could fire their guns at targets unlucky enough to get with in range, but they could not move, thus in a sense they where stationary weapon platforms.
"Burning Dawn, activate weapons systems, maximum battle screen." Ren'sen said to her ships' A.I.
"Yes commander." She replied.
Ren'sen opened the comm. lines and listened to the combat chatter being sent.
"Zero Seven, Hummer (Kinetic Missile) on your tail. Break right! Break right!"
"I cant shake it! I cant shak...(explosion, static)"
"Zero Two taking enemy fire! (explosion) Fuck! My number two engine's been fragged! I am so going down!"
Zero six your to close to that destroyer he's gona get a target lock!"
"Mayday, Mayday! This is the SS Luna. We are taking massive Capital ship fire; I don't know how much longer we can take this!"
"This is Zero Four. I have a pack bogeys on my six. Someone get these fuckers off my ass!"
"Zero Nine, with me! Zero Four, Break Left! We got 'em!"
"Oh shit, heads up here comes the SCS Faith! Clear a hole for her before she gets fragged!"
Ren'sen switched the holo panel to show the surrounding area of space. All around them carnage ensued, single fighter craft dog fighting with their hunter counterparts, capital ships blazing away into the fray trying do as much damage as possible and all around, plasma fire streaked around like fireflies from hell. She was shocked to see that the Space Station X232 was gone and in its place was a cloud of twisted glowing metal. As she watched a Sentinel cruiser collided with a Hunter destroyer in the path of the SCS Faith, moments later both ships where turned into twin stars as they opened fire at point blank range. On a panel to her left she saw a huge swarm of Hunter fighter craft escorting a Hunter combat personnel carrier hurtling towards them, and not far behind them was an artillery Frigate.
"Kelva, we got incoming enemy craft." She said to the image of Kelva floating over the top of all the other screens.
"Yeah I see them." He replied his eyes flicking around the screen as he targeted them.
A few second later half of the APC's fighter escort where vaporized. The rest ignited their engines and bugged out, the APC boosted its engines and flew out of range.
"Looks like they thought this colony ship would be an easy kill." Kelva said with a grin.
The ship lurched as the Frigate opened fire blazing a path of blue over Kelva's ship, who's battle screen shrugged it off like water. But on the screen showing Kelva, Ren'sen saw an explosion of sparks rain down on the squirrel's head.
"Kelva!" Ren'sen yelled.
"I'm ok, the battle screen held, but I can't take another hit like that." He said as his eyes flicked to the lower right and he typed in something on an out of sight screen.
"Ship disconnection sequence commencing." Ren'sen heard the Razorbacks A.I. say to Kelva.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" Ren'sen said while she tried to override the command from her command console.
"I can not take another direct hit, my battle screen won't take it, I'm going to go take out that frigate, I'll be back as soon as I clean house." He said as his ship lifted off the hull of the Faith, spun on its axis, and boosted towards the incoming frigate.
"I'll cover you from here." She said as she started to target the remaining ships.
"No! They don't know your there and until I can take out this frigate it's too risky to engage while stuck on the hull." He said with a grim look.
The remaining swarm of fighter craft turned around and formed a wall between the frigate and the Razorback. Kelva flew thought the swarm of ships, weapons blazing, leaving a trail of destruction. As he closed on the frigate it powered up and fired its main cannon at him. Kelva jinxed to the left narrowly avoiding getting hit. Kelva unloaded a pack of Kinetic missiles on the ship whose battle screen held out until Kelva added a stream of rail gun fire into is as well, then its engines exploded and the hull started to buckle from kinetic missile fire, for all intents the ship was a burning wreck now.
Kelva turned his ship and started to head back towards the Faith, shooting at fighters unlucky enough to get too close. He was a few meters away from the Fait when he reopened the Comm. channel with Ren'sen.
"See? Told you I could handle it. Nothing to worry about, hon." He said with a grin.
"Warning, Missile Lock. Warning, Missile Lock..." The Razorbacks A.I. started to drone, as Kelva's head snapped around to look at a screen.
As if in revenge the dieing Frigate launched a huge cloud of Kinetic missiles at Kelva's ship, which impacted on the rear of the Razorbacks' battle screen.
"NO!" screamed Ren'sen as Kelva looked back at Ren'sen with pure terror on his face, then Kelva's cockpit filled with sparks, then a flash of fire and the screen cut to static. On the main screen Kelva's ship was annihilated.
"You Bitch!" Ren'sen screamed at the image of the Frigate as she powered up her main cannon, blew a hole thought the offending ships main bridge, and watched as explosions chained down the length of the ship.
As if on queue the APC streaked in its engine drives trailing red comets of exhaust. Ren'sen blasted away at it but it was already in the Angle Fire's No Fire horizon, where she couldn't fire without vaporizing a section of the Faiths hull. Then the APC was making a breach dock on one of the Faiths airlocks.
"Attention! All defense personnel prepare to repel boarders. Airlock number three." She said over the ships Intercom.
Ren'sen turned back to the screen showing the cloud of vaporized metal that used to be her best friend and his ship. Tears ran down her muzzle as she saluted the screen.
"Fare well my friend. We will meet again, but not in this life" She whispered, and then she grabbed her Plasma Caster and portable battle screen generator and fastened them around her wrists. There was going to be hell to pay for Kelva's death, and she knew just who to take it out on.
One of the armored figures in the hold of the Hunter APC felt a chill go down his spine, like some one walking on my grave, he thought then the airlock opened into a scene straight from hell. All around the air was filled with anti armor plasma fire, screams, smoke, the smell blood and death.
Little did Ren'sen know but moments before Kelva's ship was destroyed he had managed to activate the Razorback's Lifeboat. His command deck had been shut off from the rest of the ship as heavily armored blast shields slammed down over his command chair and a backup power unit, saving him from a fiery death when the ship exploded, but not before a piece of shrapnel hit him in the side of the head.
"Lazu, activate low level emergency beacon...set it to only...broadcast on Sentinel frequency. Ren'sen, love i hope...you get to me before they do..." he whisper before the concussion drove him into the waiting darkness.
To be continued...