The Glory of an Empire, A Prelude

I am leaving these notes in the event of total destruction of my world, fury. i will provide what information i can on my world, and on my life and its intriguing adventure.

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Meet The Guardians: The Fashionable Fencer

All out fury if something is bothering to a certain point, and it will look like hell was unleashed. of course, if his friends were in the area, they won't be harmed. that if, they didn't piss him off.

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Sixth official character

In return sloan got a ship that can house 2 or three people as per requested and is now part of the fury lights. looks(anthro): original hight is around 6 foot tall as a male 5 foot 9 inches as a female.

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Welcome, Mr. Sedway

The mouse sneezed and cursed in fury, which made arc cackle with delight as ro made vain attempts to sooth his nose.

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An Epilogue

In the face of such a grim spectre atop his pale horse, active terrorism groups either quietly disperse, or learn firsthand the terrible fury of a god of death.


Little Wings of the Storm

Leaves dance, reds and greens and golds and blues, carried by unseen hands, guided up and down, circling in great spirals and shallow twirls colors changing, shifting supremacy but never fighting those unseen hands moving the leaves out of love, not fury

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 1

The idiot fury of the river pushed up against his back, spraying two waves of water out on either side of him.

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Blood Rose-7

Cassie could never remember all of them, but she always remembered micha, fury and lila. micha was the only one who knew all of them.

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How it Ends.

So great was his fury that the moon itself, long thought inert, returned unto flame, a cold-burning star that seared the night with pale fury.

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Only The Tear's Know

I have long since passed my angels fury team on to the future. a good woman i know she will stay loyal to what is right for that team. \*looks off misty eyed. a smile and a tear crosses my face.

After the Storm - Part 6 [The Patrol - Part 3]

He could've destroyed public property, even hurt the lives of innocents, all because of his blind fury. charlie felt odd about it, a bit confused about it himself. why did he just lash out like that?

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Spyro: Return of Darkness, Chapter 24 -- But As The Night Darkens...

He screamed in agony as cynder unleashed her fire fury, roasting him in a white-hot pillar of volcanic flames. solar followed with an ice fury that froze the entire chamber, the resulting shards impaling the dark master as they shattered and flew at him.

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