7th official character
Before u can use my characters keep true to their personalities but i do request u give me my credit i make these guys from scratch and put a portal thought into them name/titles:kim allene harvey, the hidden one, the playful forest guardian, race:fae/fairy
Sweet Dreams and Happy Endings
Untill the day we recive our wake up call, fairy tales and sexy dreams perfect as a summer's breeze then reality, slaps you in the faaace leaving you adrift in space sweet dreams and happy endings, to us all...
Fighting for Strangers Chapter 1
How else could you explain a deer woman dressed like some fairy out of a storybook standing right there over him, looking down at him curiously?
Sheeperfly's Lullaby
"a fairy," the butterfly answered, preening his curled antenna with his foremost legs. "with a fairy's magic. i can help you."
Faerie Kitten Mischief
The first faerie crossed her arms. "it's clearly stainless steel." the second faerie added. "but steel has iron in it." lockely spoke hopefully. "it hardly counts if it's an alloy. i mean..."
Thirteen Tales 2020: First Tale
If he was a faerie now, did he have magic? he held up a hand in the air to try to see if anything would happen. nothing. he tried snapping his fingers. still nothing. if he was a faerie he should be magical.
To The Dragon Lands! Maybe Chapter: 2
Patreon reward for deven drake deven, a three year old dragon and calex now a two year old faerie continue their adventure as they try to make it to the dragon lands.
As for what became of tamlin and anabiel, well, it wouldn't be a faerie tale without a happily ever after.
Springtide: The Quest for Draco's Gold
Wait is that a fairy? are fairies real?" zeelo looked up at her. "wha-?" the fairy slapped a hand to her face. "how could you ask if i'm real!? i'm standing right in front of you! just...
POETRY: Ode to the Wannabe Dragon Slayer
Only in fairy tales, can man defeat a god, dragon-slaying's but a nonsense for small children to applaud.
Richard and the Fae - Ch07 2021-08-12
Cyrillion asked, his voice growing frosty, one hand held up towards the faerie, who... cringed?
The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act2/Chapter1
The faerie lowered her voice, though her tone kept its steely chill, "as old as i am, i know all too well that the pursuit of perfection is a fool's errand.