The Fairy
Jessica pops her head out conscious of her nude form underneath as she comes face to face with a another mature fairy. as the fairy moves a bit jessica notices the shiny wings that the nude fairy possesses.
Dreams and Musings: Manta
Little fairy tale thingy concerning mantas and a god. inspired by a dream, this little tale was something i felt like putting out for a nice day. hope you enjoy it. have a happy thanksgiving!
Hearts Fairy
Her friends said that she was so beautiful that she looked like a fairy. everyone called her fairy, instead of hearts. the captain of the pirates adopted hearts. she loved her newly found father, only because she could not recall the past.
Fairy Dreams
In that dinner, i realized that i really was eating with the prince of fairies.
Fairy Godmother
The fairy landed before her, and snowheart watched as soon she approached the fairy in size, and then the fairy was bigger than her. snowheart continued to shrink down until she was less than knee tall compared to the fairy.
Fairy in the Moonlight
"like i said, she's a fairy." "you told me not to antagonize the fairies!" "because i knew you'd fuck it up!" jack snaps back, stopping his sweep of the treeline when he sees her.
The Fairy's World
It chilled him through and through as more of the fairies landed on his back. the vixen fairy smiled and came to rest on top of his stone nose, patting him between his eyes. "pretty perch," she said.
Snow White and the Foxyote Dwarf
#42 of transformation patreon reward for kickahaota his character kickaha is enlisted to assist with retelling a fairy tale... but naturally things go a bit off script.
The Fairy's Tale (Heat 15 preview)
After many long summer days, when at last i had decided what should be done, i traveled north and east along the path laid out by the constellations, until i arrived at the elfhame of titania, queen of all fairies.
The Servant Cat
A bit of a neil gaiman-esque reimagining of the "puss in boots" fairy tale just a note, that i am open for commissions if anybody is asking =3 the boy was filled with greed.
Del Sarto of the Dragons: The Fairy Dragon
He was lucky that the fairy dragon jaori was not in mischevous mood, although miffed at being tripped on.
The Wolf and the Tigress
Just a little fairy tale i came up wih late at night, i hope you enjoy ^,..,^ in the middle if a thick dark forest, a black red and white wolf crawled along on it's belly, stalking a small deer with an injured leg.