Of the Collective, Chapter 2

Medic noticed some anatomical oddities in first mate gudrun korba and would like a chance to examine her more closely.

The Story of a Dragon Part 3/Black Dragon Cave

He smiles as he draws the dagger examining the old but still sharpened blade. he twirls it around in a strange but yet dangerous manner pondering on what to do next.

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Becoming: Part 6-Changes

He walked over to his unmade bed and examined it. there seemed to be a small tuft of orange fur poking out from underneath the covers. puzzled, alex threw back the blankets and found more.

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Mysterious Package (Mega Ampharos TF) [GIFT]

She picked it up and brought it up to her eyes, examining it closely. as she did, there was an odd pull to it as if it was in control of itself. it pushed itself towards leanan's forehead quite forcefully.

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DeAtH NoTe: WhAt PoWeR DoEs

He examined it, and as he did his jaw dropped. "what a sick, sick joke!" the cheetah tossed the notebook back on the table in disgust. "who would create such a stupid thing."

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Goddess of the Throne: Named Master

Magdalene petted lyon, smiling as she examined her thoroughly. lyon patiently waited, moving when directed and answering her many questions. when magdalene seemed satisfied she turned back to aria and nodded.

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Tension (original)

The male examined it for a few moments, running a paw-pad over the blade, letting it pierce his skin slightly. he examined its ridges, admired the handle.

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MHO pt 4 - Quality Time - Chapter 5

The sereva handed one half to lykou and examined the other. "which half are you going to use? i can't say i know what to look for, heh." lykou pondered it for a moment, taking the other half from the sereva to examine. "well...

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Wanderer (Sec. 4)

Damien, having found and opened a chest, pulled out an ebony katana and examined it. seeming satisfied with his find, he opened another drawer, and finding twelve gold pieces and several gems slipped them into his pouch.

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Nala's Venture: Heresy

In the pridelands, the only recording of history was in the stars and its examination was left to those with a philosophical bent, literal star gazers.

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Olevion Chpt 3 - Lyra and Saethus

Saethus just grunted and started examining the room, looking for a way out. no grates, no windows, no escape. he shrugged and started fishing in his pouches.

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