She - a dream
Soon we arrived to my damaged motherboard. the tiny mare was standing in the middle of the damaged area, on top of a jumper which was as big than she was. long hair of her mane were covering half of her beautiful, sexy face.
Shadow Stalkers: Jinx Pt 3
The medibay was still rammed with the injured and the dying, with the ship's own damage reports increasing as the remaining able-bodied crew rallied to sort through the damage and prioritize repairs.
Part 2 The coach and the master
"the reason dig did so much damage is the same as why your razor leafs were so powerful against that kabutops. ruck was both steel and rock type. both of which are vulnerable to ground type moves. as a result dig did four times the damage.
mliatbhrpg ch7-9
With water crystals i can debuff an enemy with cold damage and slow them while it does it. hit them enough times with the cold damage and they freeze. taking them out of the fight for a time and more susceptible to damage."
Star Fox: Ascension #09 SACRIFICE
Marco and iridani have taken heavy damage." rob told him over the radio.
Path of the Shining Sun
You are proficient with it, and you add your dexterity or wisdom modifier to its attack and damage rolls. its damage is fire, and its damage die is a d4. this die changes as you gain monk levels, as shown in the martial arts column of the monk table.
Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 13 Royal Seafront Assult
Vinzith bashes into eleckid with his bulbous plant on his back, doing mediocre damage.
P.O.Wned chapter 1: The beginning
Most of the crew had survived, but the explosion had damage his escape pod, sending a piece of metal through his left arm.
CE04 - monsters
Any damage resistance from armor can also resist the stress damage dealt by this attack, but at half normal effectiveness. **weakness:** the ichor camouflaging it is highly flammable.
DnD sheet
Nbsp; | | character name | player | campaign | | 2 paladin | human | lawful good | | | class and level | race | alignment | experience points | | | | ability name | ability score | ability modifier | | total | wounds/current hp | nonlethal damage
Round Three part 1; Sibling Rivalry
The attack landed jackie lp:2300 nancy lp:2200 "bora attack his goblins, and when he attacks a defense position monster you take damage."
Round 3 Part 1:Sibling Rivalry
The attack landed jackie lp:2300 nancy lp:2200 "bora attack his goblins, and when he attacks a defense position monster you take damage."