Passion in Question

When the apple of the eye goes off to die, when all you thought, is brought to naught, it is the feeling of pride that actually commits suicide.

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Poem #37: Rights

_rights_ "you have the right to remain silent;" you have the right to cry aloud shout and scream and weep at the crimes committed "anything and everything you say" should be heard the sounds of those beneath the cruel "can and

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Invane: Vixblock

As you can see, the harmonica is used for our story to know that it is time for some of the most craziest stuff ever committed. "such as the things and craziest stuff you had seen in the past." huzizu replied, "indeed."

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Feline Seduction

Please you, his shimmering fur smooth because he needs you for his seductive purr dance with him, come out and enjoy the dark for when the sun goes down and the lights dim there is only enough light for you and him and his only thought is to commit

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Chapter IV - Fights and Battles Have Begun

#4 of kaeden's commitment hey everyone! yep, there's an update today. yesterday was a just bonus day, not a day-early thing. i can't promise there will be any more of those, or that there won't be any more of those - they're just kind of at my whim.

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Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #11- Mid-Season Suspicions

I am committed to my three-tiered vision, and anyone who demonstrates that they don't share that commitment will find themselves off the team."

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Heaven and Hell: The Hero From Limbo Ch. 1

Does he kick a man down when he made a mistake, or lapsed in judgment, or committed what you personally believe to be an atrocity? don't kid yourself.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 9.2b, Shock and Awe

Stunned by his own action, friar arlowe realized he was committed to it despite what the inquisitor would do in response to the attack.

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Not All Beginnings Are Good Beginnings

The loss of his men and the atrocities he committed ravaging any good left in him. the now embittered and soulless man awaited for it all to end.

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The golden rod

''gentlemen today you will be committing a good deed to the world and also to yourselves the golden rod is being targeted by the spetsnaz and do you want to die''? ''sir no sir'' ''then get out there and stop those russians''.

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I think that my stomach is firm because I have food in that wants to talk to you but it doens't matter what I write so long as I write

No, it didn't commit suicide. i still have it in my guts. it was a brilliant wrap in some kind of sauce. i let it eat cabbage and black beans and then i ate it good.

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You Haven't Learned (Short Story)

"but i can't commit" starting to turn his head from the shining jewelry. she said "aww why not?"

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