Code Drop: Reception
~ ~ ~ hours passed erik by as he and larry emptied the apartment and drove across town to pick up as much used chicken wire as a pickup could carry.
Love Is... Chapter 1
"because with enough superglue... you can make a chicken stick to anything!" a split second later a new figure appeared beside their table.
Gryphon Delivers Pizza (Otherwise Untitled)
The hen counted the time by how far up her legs the water had soaked into her fur, her feathers having long since abandoned any pretense of keeping her warm against the soak. an antelope answered the door, smiling.
What, a dog isn't a pokemon? chapter one
Miss hen said waddling up to me. "hey miss hen how's the little ones?" i asked sitting down. "they kept yelling all night and i finally got them quite around five am." hen said franticly explaining. "sunday let's go."
Murder at the Speed of Life, part 2
"no... but my chicken had gone bad last night." "bad chicken?" "bad, as in _evil_." "that's great!" beamed quinn. "then you'll solve this case in a flash." he unscrewed a plastic vial and several tablets rolled onto the desk. "dexies?"
Return to Sender 5 - Cyber City Zone
Said the rooster. "they're not bad at it but they don't fly anywhere good!"
Nati just smiled and handed the cub a chicken leg, which shi happily chewed and slurped on. when voxanna's meal was served, shi dug right into it with gusto. stephillum took the chicken pieces shi was offered and joined hir sister.
Seven-Tails, Chapter 2
_"chickens, chickens, delicious birds. what do you eat them with, soy sauce? do you bake them? do you eat them raw? i've seen a movie where one human drank the eggs from a glass..."_ "god, stop talking about food!"
Unknown Worlds: Always Dead
It looked like a dead chicken. something that he had probably killed while trying to get home. the chicken was also skinless as salix had probably eaten the feathered parts of it.
An unusual friend (vore, wolf/cat)
chickens wanted to closest yard to him but they didn't seem overly interesting this morning.
An Odd Holiday Story
Kiev replied and yelled as he bolted to the kitchen to find his wuffwuff eating all the prepared chicken tenders, tungsten's cheeks stuffed to the brim with food, his tail wagging excitedly fast. "oh my fluff.....he, he ate all the chicken.."
The beginning
Michael approaches the counter and stands up on the stool on his hind legs "excuse me can i please grab a chicken wrap" the counter vixen gets a chicken wrap off the rack behind her and puts in front of michael "that would be 2 dollars please" michael hands