Work In Progress - Magic Show
If there was one thing she was great at, it was stuffing her face until she felt so bloated she couldn't move. today, she felt in-between the genders.
A New Star
What once were but small and flat appendages that seemed not to possess any comfort to yourself have grown exponentially as your blubberous form adopted new bloated additions.
Scorch stopped flying and took aim at the little cloud, and expelled his bloat in a raging torrent of his own internal gas. the two clouds mixed and merged, swirling around and taking form rapidly.
The Games We Play
It meant less work for his sore arms, but even that was far more than andy could reach or even handle in his bloated, tired, and blissful state.
Through Breath and Sight - Chapter 3
'foul heathens with their bloated coffins and their worthless politics...' i feel him beginning to clench his entire hand down upon my throat; i try feebly to gasp for breath.
One the Scene with Traveling Expenses
But she was still noticeably bloated compared to before rayna had sat down. wide vixen rear filled the seat more snuggly, hips rubbing the armrests as she tried to shake them into a better position.
Larg-O's Stuffing House
He had bloated out quite extensively, his belly at least three times the size of when he first entered. his thighs had bulked up with weight as well, giving the rooster a large, plush amount of extra flab to hold his gut back from falling off the booth.
He was so massive, so swollen, and so bloated that when he exploded from the tank he just felt his fat move, but his limbs and his head stayed still in spite of it all.
Work(the beginning)
Alex said shyly "sure foxy, i would be glad" con said as he stood up, but the first thing he noticed is that his belly is not as bloated as it was before. but it was slightly bigger and softer.
Guro Challenge #32: Scarring/Disfiguration
He shifted closer and was able to sense the warmth and scent outlining the repulsively bloated body. malkariss' grip loosened a tiny amount, and slagar returned the favour, each slowly and cautiously releasing the other, still braced for an attack.
That Strange Ill Fitting Cog
They've ever cared they cover it in polish, double check it still works and then act like there's no problem here of course when you actually look at the state of the machine why they do that becomes clear the machine; it's outdated, decrepit, overextended, bloated
The demise of Mr. Foxington
His soft white stomach began to bloat as his skin underneath the fur reddened. the fox let out a huge burp, and the lynx just stood there dumbfounded thinking 'wtf'.