One the Scene with Traveling Expenses
A special episode of On the Scene, guest staring Kitsune Zero. I've been wanting to fatten them up for years... >:B
Also featuring Rayna who belongs to my pet. <3
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The rumblings of a train were nothing compared to Zera's stomach. Such a hungry roar had caused most of the snack car to stop its array of social activities to determine its source. The slightly-pudgy vixen in the corner booth scrunched her shoulders trying to look inconspicuous under a dozen wandering eyes. Her gaze remained fixated on the wrappings of a microwaved hamburger and nachos laying on her table. As if more tasty morsels could be conjured into existence in their place through willpower.
Zera sighed, resting a hand on the little bulge of her stomach. If only her button-up shirt and jeans could hide her anguish as easily as they did her pudge. Despite the longing cries of her insides, the rest of the traveling patrons largely ignored the vixen to return to their own business.
Except, of course, for the badger running the snack stand. His stares became increasingly sour the longer Zera lingered in her seat. The train had a very strict policy about loitering in the diner areas, and Zera had devoured her pathetically unfilling meal a while ago. Like it was her fault they charged up the fat butt for small amenities.
Ignoring another pained complaint from her stomach, Zera decided to wiggle out of the booth before trouble came to call. The small stair climb back up to the cars observation deck had her heaving breaths without a proper calorie intake. Ignoring some giggles and pointing, she waddled over to the nearest swivel chair to fall into. The heavy weight of her padded rear hitting cushion made a satisfying flop that brought immediate relief to her aching paws.
The passengers wasting their time jeering were lucky the vixen was too hungry to care. Most of them were starting to look like walking candy bars from her vantage point. Trying to gaze at the scenery speeding by fared little better. Zera kept picturing houses of gingerbread, or trees of cotton candy.
"Heads up!"
The warning served little purpose. Immediately after it, a stack of six boxes crashed upon the coffee table beside Zera's chair. Being so harshly jolted out of her daydreaming of sweets nearly sent the vixen flailing onto the floor.
"Sorry about that," came a meek voice of Zera's unexpected company.
Glancing up with one hand clenching her left boob, Zera found a grey wolf flopping into the seat next to her. The only thing more surprising than their entrance was her curves. Hips like a car bumper spilled over the armrests while a chest bloated with two furred basketballs jiggled in a doughy fashion. Somehow managing to contain all that plush in just cutoff shorts and a tube top had to have been some kind of accomplishment. Zera pressed her knees together feeling overdressed for summer travel.
"This seat isn't taken, is it?" The wolf asked as she brushed her ample hair out of her face. It brought attention to the fact a large portion of her right locks had been dyed neon pink. She tried to give a disarming smile when Zera answered her question with a silent, jerky, shaking of her head. "Thanks. I'm Rayna, and incredibly sore on my feet after two days on this dang train. Know what I mean?"
"Y-yeah. I'm Zera." The vixen relaxed back across the seat cushion, hips pressing against the armrests slightly snug herself. The company suddenly felt like a nice distraction from the low gurgling of her stomach. A blush crossed her cheeks trying to seize a conversation starter. "Your hair looks amazing, by the way. How did you...?"
Another passenger chose that moment to walk by on their own affairs. The subtle breeze their body caused was enough to direct a scent that itched at Zera's stout pink nose. Acute fox ears shot straight up as she sniffed the air in surprise then flared her nostrils nearly double in size with a deep breath.
Fried flour, chocolate, glazed sugar, fruit jams; there was only one thing in the world created from such ingredients. Zera's wide eyes shot to the stack of boxes between the two women. Each top of the rectangle containers had a clear film covering cut into it, through which she could see rows of puffy round cakes. The mere sight of their rainbow of colored icings, sprinkles, and powdered sugar had drool raining off Zera's chin.
"Are those doughnuts!?"
"Hm?" Rayna blinked at the sudden diversion in topics. She followed Zera's gaze before giving a dejected laugh. "Yeah, pretty much seventy-two to be exact. Picked them up at that pit stop two hours ago and been trying to keep them away from sneaky thieves since. Ugh! That's getting tiring, but my master is meeting me in Seattle and wanted a 'buttload' of Krispy Kremes to appease our landlord. Not looking forward to seeing how he pissed her off this time. Something about flooding a floor with sawdust or something."
"Um...wha?" Zera snerked trying to make sense of Rayna's brief explanation for such a mountain of sweet delectables. She could only imagine what kind of relationship had a mutual referred to as 'master.'
Hands drifted to rest on the mild bulge of Zera's stomach. From under the shirt ruffles, her beast could not remain silent with a constant fragrance of fried cakes nearby. She looked to Rayna, who gave a happy tail wag back to show no offense was taken for a natural body reaction.
"Can...may I have one?"
Rayna blinked herself, not having expected such a request. While the wolfs smile remained, there was now a stiff, artificial sense to her blank stare.
"Forget it. I'm sorry."
Zera's ears folded back against the sides of her head, tail curling across her lap in an attempt to hide. There was no way she could have felt any more pathetic. Here was a complete stranger that just finished complaining about people trying to steal her stuff, and she just casually asked for it without thinking. Nothing made a better first impression than being a hopeless, begging leech.
She opened her mouth poised to make an excuse to go hide in the rear car, but Rayna had moved first. To Zera's surprised the wolfess had reached for the topmost box in her stack and loosened the lid. Her jaw quickly dropped watching Rayna produce a pair of eclairs from its contents and gently extend them to her in one grey paw.
"Take two, dear. You look like you're practically in pain."
Zera had no words. She looked at the pastry offerings, to Rayna, and then back to them. A hint of freshness still lingered with their scent, along with an unmistakable tickling of custard. She would have started crying from such generosity but did not want to appear more pitiful. One white furred hand took a doughnut each while Zera mouthed an overjoyed 'thank you' to Rayna. The wolf beamed watching her take off half an eclair in one bite.
Heaven did exist, and it had sent Zera it's thickest angel. Upon biting, a glob of thick cream filling had erupted all over Zera's paw, with plenty more smearing across her vulpine muzzle. At that moment there was no better sensation outside sex for her. She took turns chewing the big wad of dough and custard while trying to lap up the excess smeared on her nose.
It was hard for Rayna to hold back a giggle watching her new friend go to town. She had never seen anyone look so happy to cram eclairs in their mouth, regardless of how much filling oozed out the ends. Within a minute both doughnuts had been consumed, with very little chewing, leaving Zera to lick at the lingering flavors on the fur of her fingers.
"Feeling better?"
Zera's tail wagged fast enough to make a modest fan out of her plump rear. "Oh, gods yes. Thank yo-OOUURRPP!!"
Both hands shot to the vixens mouth, cheeks burning redder than a tomato. Before Zera could stutter an apology, her stomach followed up with its own vibrating clench.
"Still not there yet, I see." Rayna grinned watching the vixen push at her stomach. Oddly enough it seemed to push Zera's paws back. Shrugging, Rayna fished around her boxes again, pulling out a ring cake iced in white cream to contrast it's chocolate sprinkles. "Want another?"
"CAN I!?" The wolf's relaxed attitude was doing a good job of washing away Zera's bout of self-consciousness. With only a second's hesitation, she snatched it up for a series of tiny, rapid, nibbles along its edge.
"Sooo...why you traveling on a train north while fasting to death?"
"Oh, I-UURRPP! Excuse me!" Zera drummed on the top of her bust, took a deep breath, and resumed her snacking. Crumbs sprayed everywhere trying to talk and chew simultaneously. "I'm actually heading to Canada for vacation with friends. It's just I...forgot my wallet. Mmmrrpp!!"
"You poor thing!" Rayna's ears folded in a pang of sadness, but watching crumbs rain upon Zera's bust was equally distracting. The vixen looked no stranger to extra cup sizes like her. Yet Rayna could swear she saw less slack in their shirts bustline than a minute ago. "Don't tell me you're trying to broader cross without anything?"
"Oh, heavens no!" Zera burped again, barely turning rosy-cheeked. Her shame seemed to be vanishing with the puff pastry. "Oogh! My passport and papers are all with me. It's cold, hard, cash I've lacked for two days now. I was in such a hurry to get here I -BWARP- left my wallet on the nightstand. There was only a twenty bill and loose change in my bag to last going up the coast."
"Ugh, I see. That's still pretty rough. I've seen lower priced goods at movie theaters than on this rust bucket."
"Right?!" Zera giggled, shoveling in what remained of her doughnut ring. The entire mess sifted to bulge against one cheek while she chewed. "Seriously, at this moment you're my best friend. Thank you."
"Don't mention it," Rayna muttered barely focused on the conversation. She watched avidly as Zera tilted her head back with a hard swallow. The large lump of food stretched her throat before vanishing down the esophagus.
Now it was clear something was up with the, now comfortable, vixen. No sooner had the food hit her stomach then Rayna could see things shifting under Zera's clothes. Creases around Zera's already modest stomach bulge smoothed as it pushed out against the rim of her pants. Breasts quickly joined in, puffing like inflating balloons from a trickling deposit of additional fats.
"Nggh! Hu-URP! Pardon me..." Zera absently pulled at the front of her collar for slack it no longer had. The makings of a double-chin were getting pushed up into the vixens fuller cheeks. After a few tries, she just settled on undoing the collars button and slouched back into her chair to resume rubbing her belly's crest.
Rayna's eyes narrowed pensively at the vixen too oblivious in her sugar high to notice any changes. The wolf's tail thumped rapidly against the side of her seat as she directed attention to the stack of doughnuts catalyzing such growth. Of course, they would be 'trapped' in some manner of fetish prank. Her master did not, usually, send someone hundreds of miles south for a snack run.
Looking back to Zera it was a small comfort the damage had been minimal. But she was still noticeably bloated compared to before Rayna had sat down. Wide vixen rear filled the seat more snuggly, hips rubbing the armrests as she tried to shake them into a better position. Thighs had grown dense enough to make pressing knees together difficult, and impossible to keep together.
Definitely a figure of thickness Rayna could be proud of, were she not upset at making an unwitting victim out of Zera. At least her new friend looked happy after consuming something of sustenance. Hopefully, they would not mind a few dozen extra pounds for the summer. Or at least Rayna hoped Zera brought larger sets of clothes than the ones she had already filled out.
"Mpph!" Zera twitched at her stomaches continued desire to be filled. How she could even still be that level of hungry was almost as baffling as her oblivious attitude. Instead of wondering why the rise of her tits blocked more of the view than normal, Zera shifted her gaze to the stack of doughnuts with a mix of pain and longing.
Rayna bit her lip trying to process the dilemma of this scene. On the one paw; big, adorable vixen could be made even bigger and more adorable. On the other; potential ramifications from said vixen when they came down from their gluttonous daze. Not to mention what master might say for her failure to deliver something as simple as doughnuts.
"Ugh! So tight..."
Before Rayna could even snap back to reality, Zera was already hefting her hips to better reach for her belt clasp. The instant it was undone the vixens entire midsection seemed to surge out in all directions. At least two inches were gained to her waistline in a very sweet muffin top that strained her pants. As if her gut falling over the front button was not enough. 'Pear' would be a near accurate description of her figure without the constricting garment.
Zera fell back into her chair with a sensual sigh of relief. Either she did not notice or cared how the release of excess pudge untucked her shirt. Paws continued to rub content along the curves of her front, occasionally shooting glances at the mountain of uneaten sweets.
Curiosity had won out for Rayna, or maybe it was watching Zera's belly exposed that was her deciding factor. The bulge of cream white fur pushed out of the gap in her clothes and receded with each breath. Almost like it was struggling to burst the button of her pants in a bid for total freedom.
Rayna pulled down the top box of her stack, flinging the lid off before presenting the remain eight doughnuts inside to Zera. "Care for another?"
"Oh gosh! I couldn't!" Zera gasped, and then realized she had already snatched four doughnuts into each arm. "Or...maybe a few, but are you sure?"
"Oh pssh! Master's not going to miss a dozen out of six." Nor could Rayna take it back with Zera punctuating each word with a bite from a different doughnut in her grasp.
With each new mouthful, there came significantly less chewing. Rayna recognized the signs; a mild case of temporary addiction. Flavor was becoming less important as swallowing food until the hunger stopped. One of the classic staples of Master's booby trap foods.
Naturally faster eating also meant faster results. Now it really was like watching a balloon of tan and white fur inflate. Zera's stomach continued to march forward against the will of her pants. Her shirt slowly rose over its crest in a dramatic reveal of cream fur and a deep navel. Breasts spilled down either side of this soft sphere with their own steady growth. They quickly ripened into white melons worthy of Rayna's own epic bust, making a perfect shelf for Zera to rest doughnuts closer to her flabby chin.
The vixens clothes certainly did not appreciate this freestyle binge. In a sharp snap, the button of her pants finally broke off. Rayna absently watched it bounce off a ham of a thigh to vanish under the other seats.
Speaking of the thighs, Zera had tried to adjust her seating again causing the seams stretched around both legs to burst. Fat proved all too eager to bulge out this new opening, rending the fabric almost all the way to the cuff. A second rip and the vixen's hips spilled out the side stitching as well. Waist and hips almost merged together as they oozed over the armrests of her chair.
"Grwwaa!" The waistband proved a lot more stubborn. Every pound Zera's plush fur gained put an increasing pinch around her torso. Not even her gut, easily the biggest of the vixen's bulges, could tear it under pressure. After several attempts at trying to claw at the fabric, Zera found her body becoming a lot less limber. Her whole face burned red giving Rayna a pleading smile. "Could...could you, uh-HRRP!! Could you, please, remove my pants for me?"
"What?" Rayna had been rather distracted by Zera's shirt puffing out and almost missed their request. While it had been hefted up high atop her belly, the buttons were straining pucker to hold back the spheres of Zera's fat tits. Tufts of soft white fur rushed eagerly out these small openings. "Oh..oh yeah, sure!"
Rayna slid out of her seat to kneel before the puffy vixen. If the sight of a random woman inflating with excess weight had not caught the entire train carts attention, seeing an equally thick other woman get into their crotch sure did. Luckily Rayna had primed her claws out of boredom earlier. Denim was no match for a few good wolf scratches.
Rayna recoiled back giggling with paw raised for a shield. An assault of shirt buttons bounced off her features to collect on the floor.
Once the last bit of support snapped off Zera's waist, the vixens flab succumbed to gravities will. Everything rolled down in a crashing wave to flatten the seat cushion. Rayna got only a brief chance to admire the vixen's fashion choice of black panties before Zera's white belly rolled onto her lap. Two beachball breasts exploded out the front of her shirt to rest atop this large apron, barely covered in a matching black bra. Hips poured over the armrests in their new freedom, which made Zera wince uncomfortably. She tried shifting her rear to find a position that did not squash her tail.
An effort that got easier when the already strained armrests broke off. Now nothing could stop the sides of Zera's ass from oozing out her seat. Hammy thighs continued to keep her knees pushed apart as foot pads kicked the air. Even those had become so fat Zera's toes had broken out the front of her shoes.
Rayna looked over the mountain of belly she was kneeling before, a deep blush spreading on her face. It was almost awe-inspiring how fast she had unwittingly turned an adorably plump vixen into an even cuter whale couch with just one box. That plush white mound would make a great bean bag substitute, especially with two wonderfully sloshing boobs for a headrest.
Destruction and lack of modesty did nothing to deter Zera from enjoying herself either. Pants had been reduced to several shreds of scrap cloth, while her shirt clung around ham-sized arms virtually useless. Only bra and panties stretched and wedged into the curves of her foxy flesh for some level of cover. And that was a very broad definition of the term. Panties were nearly swallowed into the whole of her ass, and bra cups were so small they barely kept her nipples hidden. But being half naked just gave Zera more freedom to knead the ample fat that had thickened out her sides.
"Oooooh gods, ye-HURRP-ees!" Oh lordy, the way Zera's belly jiggled when she burped left Rayna hypnotized. "That feels so good, Rayna. can I ever thank you?"
Rayna's ears shot up, not taking a second for the first idea to pop into her pink-haired head. "Can...may I rub your belly?"
Now it was Zera's turn to blink through her surprise and confusion. Certainly not the kind of request she expected to get after stuffing her face full of someone else's sweets. Still, she only needed to think about it for two seconds before giving Rayna a very vigorous nod.
That got Rayna's tail wagging. In one leap she was up and planting her muzzle deep into Zera's impressive gut. Wolf paws dug up along the vixen's waist, tracing claws through the soft fur of their curves. Her previous assumption to the vixens density had proven fairly accurate. Zera's fat gave so much better than a foam mattress. Combined with the soft gurgles of her stomach and heartbeat made them a perfect bed for a traveling canine.
"Hic! Mahuurrp!" Zera exhaled more burps as she melted into Rayna's full frontal massage. The wolfess was doing a great job kneading out the gas bloating up her insides. A nap was starting to sound pretty good for her too.
At least until the scent of chocolate got her nose twitching again.
When the soft mass of flesh and tits moved under Rayna, she just assumed it a pleasant reaction to her hands giving both mammaries gentle stroking. Out of the corner of one eye, she could see most of the train's passengers had gathered around in a wide circle to observe this bizarre spectacle of weight gain and appreciation. Neither participant really seemed to care for the number of cellphone flashes going off either. Although they might have absently wondered how many hits they would earn these videos online.
Something did seem amiss when Zera's belly gave a hard lurch against Rayna. It was enough to jerk the wolfess from her sleepy euphoria to clasp around the vixen's waist. A second later she yelped in alarm to feel the stomach she was laying on begin to push back.
"Zera? Wha...oh...uh oh!"
Rayna swallowed a hard lump in her throat. A simple glance up revealed her new vulpine friend had snatched another box of the trapped delectables. She had just enough time to see the remains of a doughnut bulge out Zera's double chins as it was swallowed. There was barely even chewing, just a lot of throat convulsing to get each doughnut down.
"H-hang on now, Zera," Rayna stuttered, trying with increased difficulty to stay on her friends swelling mid-section. "You really shouldn't be...I mean...yeep! Zera stop!"
Her plea fell on ears too hungry to hear beyond the growls of an empty stomach. Zera had already finished half of the boxes dozen doughnuts, with no desire to slow down yet. Her belly gave out a loud gurgle before a rush of pounds surged her figure out in all directions. The constant shifting of furry flesh broke Rayna's grip easily, sending the wolf sprawled on her back.
That did break Zera's binging needs. She gave a small gasp trying to lean forward to check on her new friend. 'Trying' being the keyword to see over tits that were still growing with pillowy fat. "Rayna? Are you-oh...ooohhh...YIPE!"
Sadly, the chair nearly engulfed in the flab of Zera's glutes could not take the extreme bending forward she was attempting. Neither girl got time to react before the whole stand snapped, sending Zera toppling forward off her seat.
Seeing a vixen swollen to blimp status looming overhead, Rayna gave out one content sigh before embracing Zera's landing.
Zera's came down with an impact that made the whole train car shake. Even she had found it a miracle her butt had not derailed them entirely. But that was quickly brushed aside as she tried to squirm and part her tits to get a view beyond the wolf ears poking out from under her belly.
"R-Rayna? Oh gosh! Are you okay down there!?"
A hand found it's way out from between the crack of Zera's huge cleavage. It wiggled a bit before accidentally booping the vixen on her nose. Seeming to realize what she had hit, Rayna twisted her free hand into a thumbs up before promptly letting it fall limp atop Zera's soft mounds.
"Oh, thank go-WHOWURRP!" Zera gave off her own content sigh, which broke into a burp. Hopefully, Rayna would be okay breathing under her for a few hours when they finally got to Seattle. With her belly so swollen out, the vixen's feet could no longer appropriately touch the floor while laying on top of it.
The remaining doughnut boxes were still in reach, though. Zera's red tail waved like a flag atop a jiggling island as she reasoned a few more snacks would not be missed.