Open Ocean
Regardless of my current mental health, an ember of vitality burned in that spot. it encased my head, fogging my senses, shuddering my spine. lingering rationality piped up and, fresh with acknowledged lunacy, began piecing things together. _crazy?
Venturing: Three Desired Cons
Pressing the black button was instincts, but anticipating the next set of instructions was like torture for my mental health. as i pondered what the next set were, my ears peaked up upon hearing noises behind me.
Futzler Files #6: Futzlers, Ham, and Heartache
I acknowledge that mental health is a serious issue, and i'll admit that i don't have personal experience with anxiety; i felt that having the stress fueled by his social submissiveness coming to a head made sense for his epiphony moment.
Playing God: A Prologue Of Sorts: Born In Sin
A history of mental health problems and violent crimes. addictions to almost every drug under the sun. i was the result of a one night stand - well, chances are he raped her. not the first, either. just the first of an actually compatible _species_.
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 31: Not a Graduation Party
mental health was something important, and he wanted the wolf to know that he was here to help.
The Dragon Clan
His scars told of a horrific past; his scale color indicated lack of food or poor mental health--possibly a combination of the two.
Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 19- Mutual Faithlessness
And that he was calling me out for my mental health when instead he should have been helping me? well, that is all you need to know.
Many Tiny Sparks: Chapter 1 Part 1
A side effect of watching your world blown into bits right in front of you has made your mental health very unstable and fragile. because of this: the next tiniest push will likely push you into your next mental break.
Only In Dreams
Eli rolled off Mano, lying back in bed to grab and light a cigarette from the nightstand. "That was good," she said simply, drawing in and blowing out smoke as she spoke. The poet had always had a minimalistic streak to her. "I hope you liked that."...
No Light to be Seen: Chapter 8
After that fiasco the alakazam went to set out to do his true reason for being at the mansion: check on the boy's mental health and search for signs of trauma. only...
But it was as if their will and motivation to be active and healthy again was being consumed by the fat in their body, diminishing by the weeks as their weight increased and their mental health decreased.
Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 15- Rampant Emotion
"and that's why i don't think 'mental health' as you would call it should be taken the way it has been. therapists and the like need to assist in dispelling these hindrances. religion was built from emotion.