Full of Life: Or Lack Of

A well known senior, one of the fur's that make fun of me the most. "c'mon jedk, not today man..." i said apprehensively "heh heh, what are you ... going to do you little... ass fucker!" he replied rather slowly.

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.04: Enter the Lowefangs - Ep.01

The female dog mocked the kirin like she always liked to do, making fun of sasuga's unihorn. "hah! good one, kathy!" one of katherine's accomplices, the white-furred mouse one, snickered.

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Walmart Digi-Blast : friendship

Scream jake. 5 hours later other digimon would come by make fun of jake or just making him mad the one that mead him mad the most was gotsumon then there was an explosion behind him jake turn to look and saw turuiemon . a friend of tsume ... well kinda of

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Sigarr F. Seggr: Overdrive User

Calling him a runt, and making fun of his size is one of the easiest ways to get him riled up. and, initially, this is how he was able to access his overdrive power, through an intense fit of rage.

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The Orphan

People did make fun of me because of my hair length, but that was because of my mom wouldn't let me cut it unless she was around so, i keep it long and actually i kind of liked it too.

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Model Building.txt

The joy of rebuilding and making fun of each other had just begun with a simple joke of lucian's.

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One Strange Christmas [Day 2]

Now less reindeer and elves make fun of me, and we reached the cave. - and what? you were in the middle of the story... - we can talk about this some other time - rudolph entered the cave, still smiling.

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Coming Out

Were they secretly making fun of him, was the whole finding him a date thing just a big joke to them because they knew he was gay? was he just being paranoid, and it was only awkward because the tiger lashed out?

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Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 78 - To call it a day...

Nevertheless, i still had to kick his ass gently for making fun of me... blain took off his jab pads and tossed it aside while grabbing a pair of boxing gloves from the table instead...

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E-mails from the hound-master

You and your friends, billy and roger, were making fun of a girl. you claim that she pulled out a book of spells, yellow in color, she mumbled something underneath her breath, waving her hand. a wind blew and you felt strange.

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Adoption (Kreet 17)

In this group, if someone makes fun of you or insults you, you give it back. an odd form of camaraderie, but it worked. ashley sat back, legs splayed in what cherry would have called a "most unladylike manner".

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Meeting Love - Chapter 1

Had he just done it to make fun of me? had he seen me and gone straight past me? "well, good evening mr tears..." that voice. that glorious voice, so familiar, yet usually so far away... his soft, caring tones penetrating my closed, sad mind.

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