A College Life Part 2

Story by marco corn 3 on SoFurry

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#2 of A College Life Chapter 1 Part 1.

A Collage Life (Part 2)

(Later that day at Drake and Moxys dorm)

"Well that was the dombest movie ever." said Josh.

"What do you mean that was my favorite movie." said Moxy.

"Ya that's my favorite movies ever." said Drake. "It made me horny as hell hun."

"Same with me Draky." said Moxy.

"Should I leave you two alone so you can ya'know." said Josh.

"No no we want to spend time with you Josh." said Drake.

"Ya we want to get to know you better." said Moxy.

"Oh well then lets do somthing I want to do." said Josh.

"Hmmm... I know." said Moxy "We can play DDR Now."

"Ok then let me go set it up then." said Drake.

"Ok then." said Josh.

(Drake went into the walk in closet adn grabed the DDR Mattes and the XBox and pluged it into the TV.)

"Hmm..." said Drake.

"Whats Wrong hun love?" asked Moxy.

"My XBox won't work." said Drake.

"Hmm... Maybe I can fix it." said Josh. "I can fix almost anything that's why i'm in computer networking."

"Ok then give it a try then." said Drake.

(Josh lookes at the XBox and finds the problem.)

"Well it's not going to be easy but I can fix it in about 20-30 minutes I need to replace a part so I need to take it to my room ok."

"Well I don't know a black cat with my XBox I don't know well sence your our friend I guess so but... but only if we can come with you." said Drake.

"Ok... Hey what's with the black cat crape?" said Josh.

"Relax I was just kidding." said Drake. "I'm not a sterotpye."

"Well that's good to hear just don't do it again." said Josh.

"Ok ok don't get your underpants tied in a knot." said Drake.

(They Headed to the black cats dorm room to have him fix the XBox.)

"Welcome to my dorm room guys." said Josh.

(They look in and see tons of electronics and computer componets. It looks like a mini verson of the school networking lab.)

"Wow." said Drake and Moxy at the samtime.

"I had no I idea your a computer freak like a human." said Drake.

"Hey I'm not a freak I'm just a nerd." said Josh

"I like it here it's cool." said Moxy.

"At least somone is nice." said Josh.

"I'm sorry." said Drake.

"It's ok Drake I forgive you." said Josh. "Now I'll get started with the Xbox now just let me get my tool box. Now whered I put my tool box could you guys help mw find it just don't look in the closet I have a clone in there and it can't be distrubed it takes a long time for them to grow." said Josh.

"Wow your a scients nerd too cool maybe you could help me with my scients home work sometime." said Moxy.

"That arranged can be." said Josh.

"Ok whats with the funny accent right there?" asked Drake.

"Hun stop making fun of people you were doing good with no doing that when we finally met." said Moxy.

"I know I'm sorry Josh." said Drake.

"it's ok now help me find my tool box." said Josh.

(Drake, Moxy, and Josh all look for the tool box and Moxy finds it under a desk which was in the corner of the room.)

"I found it Josh." said Moxy.

"Cool where was it?"

"It was under that desk over in that corner."

"Oh so that's where I put it I knew I put it some where like that."

"Ok lets me get to work I need it quite so could you two just watch TV quitely and make yourselfs at home just don't do anything I wouldn't."

"You just took all the fun out of it." giggled Moxy.

"Hehe ya what fun is that." said Drake.

"You guys are tarrable." said Josh. "Now let me getto work."

"Ok." said Moxy and Drake together.

(Drake and Moxy watched a little TVand waited for Josh to finish the Xbox. Josh was almost done when he heard a knock at the door.)

"Hey I wounder Who taht could be." said Josh as he got up to answer the door.

(When he opened the door Drake and Moxy were still watching TV they didn't even notice the knock at the door when he opened the door there stood a black panther completely balck with buttifle blue eyes.)

"ANN." squelled Josh Jumping up to hug her.

(Drake and Moxy heard this and ran to the door to see Josh and an unknown black panther.)

"Where are my manners." said Josh. "This is my girlfriend Ann. Ann this is Drake." pointing to Drake. "And this is Moxy." pointing to Moxy. "There my new friends."

"Hi." said Moxy and Drake together making Ann giggle.

"Well it's good to hear you got some new friends." said Ann. "You need more friend then just me and Deven."

"Hey you two are the gay couple aren't you?" asked Ann.

Yep." said Moxy. "Hes my boyfriend.

"Ya and this is my boyfriend Moxy."

"Hey didn't your sister have a crush on Moxy."

"Ya but I don't think so anymore she must not have known he was gay." said Josh.

"Well shes going to be disappointed oh well that's the way the rock crumbles." said Ann.

"I've never heard teh analagy before I like that one." said Moxy.

"Thanks Moxy." said Ann. "That's so sweet."

"Your welcome." blused Moxy.

"Ok Josh can you finish with the Xbox." said Drake. "No offence but this place creeps me out."

"Alright alright... well come on in Ann make yourself at home just don't do anything I wouldn't." said Josh. "I need to fix Drake Xbox so we can play DDR."

"Oh I love DDR can I Play?" asked Ann.

"Sure it's fine with me the more the marryer." said Drake.

"So Josh how did you meet your new friends anyways?" asked Ann.

"Well I was sleep eating and I wondered into there dorm room." explaned Josh.

"Ya we were watching TV and cuddling and we thought it was the fur that robed the general store." said Moxy.

"Oh ay that's funny Josh over the 4 years I've known you, you still sleep eat." said Ann.

"Well you wearn't here last night to confert me so I must have wondered off." said Josh.

"So you two are room mates?" asked Moxy.

"Yes we are we've been room mates sence we came here." said Ann.

"And how long has that been exactly?" asked Drake.

"Well sence the begining of the school year we're feshman." said Ann.

"So are we hey we need to have Josh finish the Xbox so we can play DDR." said Drake.

"Ya lets let him finish so I can kick your guyes asses at it." said Ann.

"No way your not going to kick my ass I'm going to kick your asses I'm a pro. at this game" said Drake.

"Your both wrong I'm going to kick all your asses I'm a master at this game." said Moxy.

"I'm going to kick all your asses if you don't stop arguing before I have time to fix the Xbox." said Josh.

"We're sorry said Moxy, Drake, an Ann together."

"Now let me get to work then." said Josh