A College Life Chapter 1 Part 4

These will be short tell about part 16 so as always I'm sorry if it too short for you all it won't happen again. (Mean while up at Devin's dorm.) "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..." said Devin as he quickly pulled his key he accidentally placed into...

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A College Life Chapter 1 Part 3

I would like to take this time to warn you that these story parts are shorter then i thougth they would be so just deal with it, it won't happen again. And i would like to appolagize for any miss spelled words i'm not a good speller and i didn't spell...

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A College Life Part 2

A Collage Life (Part 2) (Later that day at Drake and Moxys dorm) "Well that was the dombest movie ever." said Josh. "What do you mean that was my favorite movie." said Moxy. "Ya that's my favorite movies ever." said Drake. "It made...

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A College Life

A Collage Life By. Marco corn 3 Drake was an average gay fur. He was a gray wolf who was in his freshmen year of collage. He was mostly gray with a light gray area around his groin and butt. Moxy his mate was a red artic fox who was mostly re...
