Ch.2 It begins

#5 of getting into the clan yay, start of a new day~ but this time, it's starting with out killers.. i kinda wrote this one in 3rd person since these guys aren't the main focus of the story..

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In-Between Ch. 4

new day, a new destiny?

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New Wilderness

"it's a new day, mr. li. the united states of america," he gloated, "is once again a whole nation. and it was all due to his glory."

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Divinity, Mortality, and the Stars.- Introduction

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Pony Tales

The night passed and a new day begin.the sun raised again and the moon vanquished for another 12 hours.the sky was once again perfectly for cloud, she have just waked up with a little headache from the sudden hit on the head.the house where she waked

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Xavier's new hope part 4

The twelve elderly wolves walked in covered in borwn robes walked into the limited light that had been givven as dawn was just bringing a new day. the twevle hooded characters stood in a circle around the young wolfess.

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Spyro: Dragon of Destiny: Rising Destiny

new day, this young hero will be born of mystery and ancient lore, powerful and courageous the young one will be, bringing back hope from despair, the young hero shall bring the light of peace, even so the dark ones will try to carry out their

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Leaving the Den

The wisps of clouds, and ... the sun (as it was rising for a new day). rella, in his lap, wriggled a bit, her bushy, luxurious tail ... swish-swishing in the still air of the bridge. and she shifted about ... standing and then ... sitting again.

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Little Star Chapter 3

Before either could say more, they fell asleep, and the sun continued rising outside for a new day. \* \* \* \* \* \* an alarm woke the couple up, and, after some stretching, luna went to the balcony and raised the moon as her sister lowered the sun.

An Unknown Under Tale - Chapter 2

It was a new day with a new adventure around every corner, and he was trying to make the most of it. he stole a glance ahead to the wolf leading him through the caves. "even if this guy is really bad company," he mumbled.

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A Chance to Move On

Tomorrow would be a new day, one where she wouldn't think of another soul. perhaps she'd stay in and read a good book. that sounded perfect. she allowed herself to smile. loneliness could be liberating too, she reminded herself.

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Pokemon Story - Brotherhood of the Bracken Sea Ch. 1

Though the sun was not yet above the horizon, the port was alive with activity, enacting on the energy and vigor that was triggered by the start of a new day's catch.

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