Wages: Chapter Three
Yes, you want to see odd, i'll fucking show you!_ the congenial facade fell away like autumn leaves, allowing the real me, the violent, mad me, to come forth. "fancy me odd, do you? you fucking hypocrite!"
Etiquette for the Modern Lycan--Ch.5: Vampires Are a Bad Idea
"well he fucking dumped me for his fucking career. the fucking prick!" "aww, come here, pup. everything'll be all right. name's al, by the way. short for alucard, alucard the tenth," another alarm should have gone off in my head. it didn't.
Views on Sex
Relations_** **_ _** _same sex relations among hyenas are uncommon, generally limited to a hyena dominating a defeated foe._ _ _ **_sex & relationships_** **_ _** _extramarital sex involving hyena on hyena is relatively rare, with intercourse
Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 18 - The Brawling Raptor
What the fuck, james!?! stupid! stupid fucking asshole! i just want to protect him, there's a whole world out there that could hurt him, why can't he see that!?!?
Chasing the Sun - Chapter 22: For a Piece of Bread
fuck them! he _was_ a whore but they didn't have to be so confrontational about it! so what if he fucked for a living?! it wasn't like money just fell out of the sky! _fuck it! fuck them! fucking fuck them! i'm trying to live here!
The Photographers Apprentice - Chapter eight: The Student becomes the Teacher.
"fuck the film, and fuck you, man. so fuck off." i was getting quite tired by the negative attitude of this guy, i had tried helping him; but he just threw it all back in my face.
Tiger Claus
Dear santa fuck you. two years ago i was as good as i possibly could fucking be, and you gave me this fucking piece of shit wooden train. i fucking hate you and your fucking elves and fucking reindeer.
Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.06: The First Strike - Ep10
F-fuck...! you... you really are... the fucking slasher..." jale gurgled, blood spewing from the side of his beak. "and you talk too much shit. maybe i'll do the world a favor and shut you up for good."
Breaking Point, Chapter I: Hyperballad
You've been fucking doodling. wow. thanks for fucking caring, asshole," i dropped the tablet onto the grass. ignoring the shouted protestations of dr.
The Long, Cold Dark, Chapter I: Cliquot
fuck if _i_ wanted to say any more.
Wait, fuck, i haven't answered. "right... uh... i'm at a hotel, across... i mean, sorry, wait! you're serious?" i realize in that moment how i appear. never hated myself or my age so much. fuck, i don't know if i can make it through tonight. "sorry."
Messy Break Up
What the fuck is wrong with you?!" ava snarled, her teeth fully barred at the 6'4 house cat. the 5'7 leopard female shook with anger as she glared daggers at him. "how dare you take those pictures of me! i mean what the fuck where you thinking!?"