Five more minutes, Mom!

vaguely, this set off something...a memory. as good as the smell was, the cold was disagreeable. it stretched as more joints popped and cracked and set each foot out. one followed the other. four feet.

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Night thoughts - .7 - BECAUSE Y KNOT

Truth has become something numbing when spoken making me at times, jus feel unreal, in someway broken i'm slipping further into a place i avoid like the plague the solid foundations i walked on regularly are shadows of their past, just...vague...

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Justifiable Suicide

I wrote it from the perspective of christianity, which is my faith, but the poem is vague enough to allow for any judaic religion.

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I Dreamt Of Wasps - Chapter 5

The closest they'd gotten so far was a vague promise to play cards sometime in the nebulous future from one kainer, after a somewhat stilted conversation.

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A Day in the Life of a Shark

Its volume was such that it all but drowned out the vague and muffled 'mnuh?' the large lump in the bedclothes made as it was roused from its slumber.

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One and the Same - Journal Entry - Veneris, October 4th, Year 1355

In fact i noticed a rather peculiar creature in the grove; it looked vaguely like a tall wolf but had antlers!

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The Interview

"a nice, vague question to start with," she said, clasping her hands in front over upon the desk, "what do you think you could bring to this position?"

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Lonely Oak Chapter 88

He vaguely recognized her. in fact, as he stared at the picture, he could recall the day that it was taken. _the golden leaf award_. that was what this was called. one for every year, since the school's establishment.

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Fire From the Darkness Chapter 9

Firus heard the vaguely familiar voice behind him. "well?" he sighed and turned to face the person who had so aggravated him last night. "i believe you." the know nodded.

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Imperfect Memories

He closed his eyes and sighed "janie" liam felt a swell in his chest, he had read his file where he vaguely mentions her to one of the nurses, asking 'where is janie?'

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Trying Something New (clean, romanticized)

He vaguely remembered hands exploring and groping to find new knowledge of new experience, remembered fur rubbing against his own, foreign warmth pressed around him, hot ragged breath on the back of his neck.

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WOlfen - Chapter 25

Verik could tell by the vague look in its eyes that it was aware that its life was about to end. it was slowly getting ahead of the pack, running out of the range of their claws.

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