Gary the dragon

I stewed over things as i felt the second egg's shell open up my vent. i shifted a little to the side and started bearing down when the first egg brushed against my hind foot.

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Battleship Battle Part 3

The wolfs fury's shells hit all three enemy ships and all three went up in flames in a massive explosive fireball. a barrage of missiles and shells hit the wolfs fury all over.

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Five Gulps and it's Game Over

The green shell rebounded off of a pipe, and came hurtling back. being the over-celebratory cat that he was, berserker did not notice the incoming shell until it smashed into his feet.

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 26)

No, not a whistling, but a screaming - a sound familiar from every war film i had ever seen: the sound of a shell in flight. the shell itself was moving so fast as to be invisible, but the ball of oily evil-looking fire filled the world.

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Kamoya Information - Kaiju OC

Her breasts and belly are covered in a segmented shell, with her belly being able to freely expand and move due to the segmented armor. her back, much like her front, is covered in a turtle-like shell.

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D.E1/LOTVS Crossover: Chapter 1 (Husky P.O.V)

They flew just a few meters from canis major's outer shell; a black shell of pure iron and unprecedented proportions, coated in a special pigment that absorbed light and made the massive colony appear almost invisible in space.

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Breaking Point: Part One: Joining Chapter One

The red shelled koopa sat down next to the shivering youngster. "i know what it's like to be considered a freak. oh i mean no offense to you, i just know. normal koopa shells are a dull brown not a bright red like this.


Stranded - Day 1

Once i found one i was satisfied with i unsheathed one of my claws and carefully made a hole in the bottom of the shell. i cut one of the vines from the tree and peeled it away until it could fit in the hole i'd made in the shell.

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Darkness and Starlight 8 - Black and Blue

Lee however in turn decided also to use his own advantage, and merely floated above koopin's shell-sliding assault.

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Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapter Twenty One

He set the crab near the trickling water, and then filled one of the hollow shells to quench his morning thirst. after four shells full of water, he belched and licked his muzzle. after breakfast, the hatchling prowled their home.

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Bowser vores Junior

Bowser ignors junior, and pushes the top of his shell into his mouth. junior`s head was in bowser`s troat. bowser pushes more. half of junior was in his throat, and bowser suddnly relized something. "i`m eating my son." he thinks to himself.

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One Drink Is All I Need

With one drink i can open my mind speak my heart without it i stay in my shell keep to myself won't open up, but with one drink i can.
