The Lonely King

As for men... those scheming, nasty little manlings expire near as quick as smoke from my nostrils. a wizard might do--at least make for interesting conversation--but they scurry about near as much as men, seeking secrets and tending their causes.

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The High Road You Expect Us to Take To Oblivion

Road is gone and while the lowness of your level will probably never be reached, things are almost at an end at last the results of this time still remain to be seen however you won't just win with your cheating ways and use of loopholes and schemes

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Mark of Loyalty

Raised by a non-noble dragoness, though sired by skrolth during his travels, as a son of tonitruum noble family, lonath was of a minor importance in the grand scheme of things.

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From the desk of the General. Mission 2.

Whichever dragon it was who came up with the bright idea of making a company that would use interstellar travel as a profitable scheme, creating reliable fast public transport a bit like the london underground but for mars and oberon 6, probably never dreamed

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Little Wings of the Storm

This is another free verse work; i avoided a specific meter and other schemes to try and capture and represent a song, a certain song that i may or may not have written about in the past . . . \ have you listened to it yet?

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Of Might and Magic- Chapter 2- Ice and Chaos

So i imagine you kept yourself alive... in the grand scheme none of us really know why we're here... or if therre is even a reaso- oh... wait... you meant here as in... this room, not life in general... right right...


The origin of shadows

A few springs went down as the ruler of ligth chased the nigth, taking glances of the ruler of darkness walking on the fields, comforting the dormant in their nigthmares, watching the skies... a plan was schemed... by his own caprice, the ruler of ligth, writted

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The Unknown Future

#7 of poems decided to try a new rhyming and cadence scheme on this one.

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Life, Love, and Happiness

Physical strength will get you pretty far, but mental strength, both in creativity and morale, matter more in the great scheme of things. that, and just living for the sake of it isn't really very inspiring?"

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Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 31

No matter how hard they tried or how brilliantly they schemed, no attack could be performed faster than ander could drag the blade across her neck. they were stuck, and time was running out.

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Welcome to Golden Sun

Cunning barbarians carve a swath of wealth from the soft underbelly of civilization, arrogant thieves creep within the shadows of dark temples, and scheming sorcerers weave their dark secrets with fanatical clerics who bring the word of the gods by sword and

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Mysterious Package (Mega Ampharos TF) [GIFT]

Her "horns" took on a more twisted pattern, keeping it's color scheme. lastly a luscious, flowing, white hairdo formed on her. it was quite long, reaching down to her back. this time when the light faded the stone was gone completely.

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