Age of Heroes Ch09 Thoughts

ruby was applying the finishing touches on the dinner table, and he joined her for a hearty meal of breakfast. kinus helped himself to a piece of toast as he directed his attention to the news broadcast.

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Cry me a Murder, pt 7 - The Other Side of Zero

"the bracelets could be forged, so they added gemstones to the design - rubies to be precise."

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Chapter Five: Sharp Beaks Near the Great Valley

His friends cera, ducky, petrie, spike, etta, wild arms, chomper, and ruby helped him rescue bron. they'd rescued him from the fire mountain. littlefoot was glad that his father was still alive.

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Heroes of Alteria Chapter 4: Mining for Trouble

So many rubies . . . _ripe for the taking!"_ shirlene snatched the crate from clover and began greedily stuffing it with rubies. jeeve face palmed himself, then resorted to keeping watch.

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Eternally Vernal, Epilogue: Snowflakes On Flowers, Their Souls Preserved Beneath Glass, Springtime Forever

"ruby? ruby!" a large television screen activated and displayed maximilian as viewed through his communicator's camera. "a messy bit of work all that was.


The History Of Zato; A Broken Soul, A Broken Mind.

However, as she thought that, she looked up to see pink and ruby with calmed expressions merely planning on how to rescue their mate. how in the hell did they do that? "ruby...i suggest we talk to the king, maybe he can do something..."

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"i summon crystal beast ruby carbuncle (atk/300 def/300)" a ruby crystal appeared on the field it shattered revealing a little cat with a ruby crystal on it's tail. jackie was thinking, 'why play such a weak monster?' 'he's lost it.'

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Warm ups

"i summon crystal beast ruby carbuncle (atk/300 def/300)" a ruby crystal appeared on the field it shattered revealing a little cat with a ruby crystal on it's tail. jackie was thinking, 'why play such a weak monster?' 'he's lost it.'

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The Gift": A Primer on Spirits (Part 3)

Less common spirits will have ruby, and the rarest of spirits have sapphire eyes.

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Round Three part 2; Out of this world Duel

Josh attack landed and a topaz crystal appeared in the back "go" my lp:2200 josh lp;2100 i drew my card, "i summon ruby carbuncle (atk/300 def/300)" a ruby crystal appeared and shattered revealing a little cat with a ruby gem on its

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Round 3 Part 2: Out of This World Duel

Josh attack landed and a topaz crystal appeared in the back "go" my lp:2200 josh lp;2100 i drew my card, "i summon ruby carbuncle (atk/300 def/300)" a ruby crystal appeared and shattered revealing a little cat with a ruby gem on its

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Cry Me a Murder (part five): Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Demon

"rubies." phelps reached into his pocket for the ruby he'd bitten into the day before. "it's pure," he said. "down to zero ppm impurities. we've never seen anything like it." "nice, if you're a jeweler." "or a crook.

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