Warm ups

Story by Vampire Panther on SoFurry

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An hour went by and I went back to the small dueling arena to meet up with Mayra. I pushed opened the double doors and saw Mayra standing in the center with her duel disk on. As I made my way closer, I asked her, "So let me guess, we're going to duel, right?" I made it to the center.

"Yep, we may have teamed up together. But I want to duel you for your title as the best duelist in the world." Mayra said activating her duel disk.

"Here's a offer; If I win you and me go out on date tonight. And if you win, I'll give you my title. Deal?" I offered

"Anything, to win the highest award in Duel Monsters. We got a deal." She said sounding confident and inserted her deck in the deck slot. I activated my duel disk and did the same, our life point counters set.

My LP:4000 Mayra LP:4000

"I'll start." Mayra said as she drew her six cards. "I summon Battle Ox (ATK/1700 DEF/1000) in attack mode and one card face down and end my turn." A Battle Ox hologram appeared a face down card.

I drew my card. "I summon Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger (ATK/1600 DEF/1000) and activate Double Summon. This card let's me summon another monster this turn and I pick Sapphire Pegasus." I played the card on my disk and my Pegasus took to the field. "And when he's summon to the field I can play a Crystal Beast in the spell and trap card zone. And I pick my Amber crystal." A amber crystal appeared on the field behind my Pegasus.

Then Smith walked in and stood at the entrance to watch the duel and Jackie came in on the opposite side. And took a seat.

"Next I activate Crystal Promise. This card let's me special summon one crystal beast from my spell and trap card zone." I played the card and my Amber crystal shattered revealing my Amber Mammoth (ATK/1700 DEF/1600)

"Hmph... not bad for a loser like him." Said Smith paying close attention to the duel.

'Three monsters in one turn, that's amazing.' Mayra thought.

"Now Topaz attack her Battle Ox."

"That makes no sense, why attack with a monster that's weaker than mine?" She asked

"Because, my Topaz Tiger has a special effect, when he attack's a monster his attack point's to two-thousand." Topaz Tiger (ATK/2000 DEF/1000) my tiger pounced and destroyed her Battle Ox.

My LP:4000 Mayra LP:3700

"Now you two attack her directly."

"I activate Mirror Force." Her card lifted right up and revealed itself. Then a mirror shield appeared in front of her.

"Oh, no." all my monsters were destroyed and three crystals appeared in front of me. "I end my turn."

Mayra drew her card. "I summon Panther Warrior (ATK/2000 DEF/1600)" She played her card on the disk, and her Panther Warrior took to the field. "And activate my Scapegoat magic card." Four little goats came out. "Good-bye one Scapegoat hello Panther Attack."

A Scapegoat energy was absorbed into it's sword and the panther attacked me directly.

My LP:2000 Mayra LP:3700

"I set two cards face down and end my turn." Two card images appeared face down.

I drew my card. "I activate Crystal Beacon, if I have two or more Crystal Beast monsters in my spell and trap card zone, I can special summon one Crystal Beast to the field. And I pick Emerald Tortoise (ATK/600 DEF/2000)" I played the card on the disk sideways for defense. "In defense mode and set card face down end my turn."

Mayra drew her card. "I activate Monster Reborn, to bring back my Battle Ox." Her Battle Ox took to the field. "Then I sacrifice him to play Cyber Dragon (ATK/2100 DEF/1600)" Her Battle Ox shattered and a Cyber Dragon it's place. "Now destroy his tortoise." The Cyber Dragon fired a beam at my tortoise destroying it, but a Emerald crystal appeared next to my face down card. "Attack him directly and finish this duel, my Panther Warrior." Another Scapegoat was absorbed into the sword and her panther lunged at me, until.

"I activate Rainbow Path." The trap card showed itself. "By giving up one Crystal Beast, I can block your attack and add one of the two Rainbow Dragons to my hand." My Emerald crystal took the blow and shattered.

"Not bad, I set one card face down and end my turn."

I drew my card. "I activate Rare value. You get to pick one Crystal Beast to send to the graveyard and I get to draw two cards."

"I choose... your topaz." She pointed at it and my topaz crystal shattered and I drew my two cards.

"Next I activate Crystal Blessing. This card let's me bring back two Crystal Beast monsters from the graveyard in the spell and trap card zones." A Emerald and Topaz crystal appeared. "I summon Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle (ATK/300 DEF/300)" A ruby crystal appeared on the field it shattered revealing a little cat with a ruby crystal on it's tail.

Jackie was thinking, 'Why play such a weak monster?'

'He's lost it.' Smith thought

'That's a cute monster card.' Mayra thought

"This is where it ends for you, I activate Crystal Abundance. If there's four Crystal Beast in the spell and trap card zones, this card destroys every card on the field, but in return I can bring back as many Crystal Beast monsters for every card you had. And I count five." Every card was destroyed, bringing the playing field to ground zero. Then five of my Crystal Beast came back in attack position; Sapphire Pegasus, Amber Mammoth, Topaz Tiger, Emerald Tortoise, and Ruby Carbuncle.

"Very clever, Spencer, very clever indeed." Smith said to himself

"Sapphire attack."

My LP:2000 Mayra LP:1900

"Amber attack."

My LP:2000 Mayra LP:200

"I'll let you do the honors Ruby attack." The final attack landed bringing her life points to zero. The holograms turned off and our duel disks deactivated, Mayra fell to her knees in defeat. But she got back up and started walking to the stands, I followed her up we sat next to Jackie.

'You alright, Mayra?" I asked concernedly

"Yeah, I'm fine. So what time tonight?"

"Eight, I guess." I said giving a quick answer

"Impressive dueling skills, with that deck." Smith said as he walked up to us.

"Well look who it is? It's the tough guy himself, Smith." Jackie said disgusted

"And your the biggest loser of all. You shouldn't even be at tomorrows tournament you amateur." Raising his voice at the end

"I'm tired of you putting me down. You know what, let's duel. Unless your afraid of losing to me?" Jackie said trying to show one up on Smith.

"Fine, I accept this ridiculous challenge, but when I'm through with you, your going to wish you were never here." Smith smugly.

"But when I'm through with you, I'll make you regret calling me an amateur."

Me and Mayra just sat listening and watching their rivalry heat up.

They made their way to the dueling arena activated their duel disks, and drew their five cards. Life Point counters set.

Jackie LP:4000 Smith LP:4000

"Let's duel." They said in unison.

"I'll start." Smith said as he drew his card. "First I summon Ryu-Kishin Powered (ATK/1600 DEF/1200)" He played the card on his disk and a holographic image appeared. "Next I throw to cards face down." He placed two cards the slots and two cards images appeared face down. "For later."

'He won't survive my Crush Card Trap and Shrink Combination.' Smith thought

Jackie drew his card. "I summon Gearfried the Iron Knight (ATK/1800 DEF/1600)" He played his card on his disk and a hologram of his monster appeared. "Kiss your monster good-bye, Smith, attack Gearfried." His knight was about to strike when.

"Face down cards go." His cards revealed themselves to Jackie and, Jackie's Gearfried stabbed the Ryu-Kishin Powered.

"First my monster looses half of it's attck strength, and secondly my monster get's infected with a deadly virus, which destroy's every card with more than fifteen hundred attack points. On the field, your hand and three cards you draw over the three turns that goes by." Smith explained

Jackie LP:4000 Smith LP:3000

Jackie Gearfried shattered and he discarded half the cards in his hand. "Thank's a lot." Jackie said sarcastically.

"A weak duelist should have weak monsters. Now my move." Smith drew his card. "I summon Luster dragon (ATK/1900 DEF/1600)" A dragon hologram appeared in front of him. "Attack him directly, now." Smith dragon shot a fireball at Jackie.

Jackie LP:2100 Smith LP:3000

"I end my turn."

Jackie drew his card. "I summon Little Wing Guardian (ATK/1400 DEF/1800)" A hologram appeared in front of Jackie. "I use Graceful Dice." A little fairy holding a big blue die appeared "My monster gains a hundred attack points on what number I roll. Go dice roll." The fairy dropped the die and the die rolled around and landed on a six. "Yeah now monster gains six hundred attack points and set one card face down." (ATK/2000 DEF/2400) "Attack his Luster Dragon." His Wing Guardian sliced Smith's dragon, it shattered.

Jackie LP:2100 Smith LP:2900

"What was that you said about me." Jackie said trying to prove a point.

"I said you are an amatuer." Smith drew his card. "I summon Blade Knight (ATK/1600 DEF/1000) In a attack mode." His knight took to the field. "Attack his tiny guardian." The knight sliced it in half destroying it. "I set one card face down and end my turn."

Jackie LP:1900 Smith LP:2900

Jackie drew his card. 'Thank you, it's under fifteen hundred.' He thought to himself. "I set a monster face down and one card face down, end my turn." Two cards appeared face down.

Smith drew his card. "I summon Lord of Dragons (ATK/1200 DEF/1100) and activate Flute of Summoning Dragons. To play Red-Eyes Black Dragon (ATK/2400 DEF/2000) and Luster Dragon 2 (ATK/2400 DEF/1400)." His dragons took to the field.

"Just great." Jackie said a little nervous.

"Attack my dragons." His Red-Eyes attacked first, Jackie's monster card was shattered. And all his other monsters attacked.

"Activate Scapegoat." Jackie's face down card flipped up and four little goats appeared, but they were destroyed from Smith's attack's.

"I end my turn."

Jackie was about to draw his card, until Smith interupted, "What are you gonna do, Jackie? When the odds are stacked against you."

"You wish the odds were against me Smith, as long as I have friends by my side. I will never lose." Jackie said strongly.

"Next turn, all the friends in the world won't save you. So you better make this turn last, if you can." Said Smith sounding cocky.

Jackie closed his eyes and drew his card. When he drew, Jackie opened his eyes. "I activate Card Destruction." He showed Smith the card and both of them discarded their entire hand to the graveyard and drew the same amount they discarded. "And next I activate Monster Reborn, to bring back my dragon. Return my Red-Eyes." Jackies Red-Eyes came out of the Monster Reborn card. "And equp it with Dragon Treasure (ATK/2700 DEF/2300) attack his Lord of Dragons." Jackie's Red-Eyes fired a fireball destroying Smith's Lord of Dragons.

Jackie LP:1900 Smith LP:1400

"How do you like that? Oh, and I set one card face down." Jackie said.

Smith drew his card. 'This is unacceptable, I can't let this second rate duelist beat me.' "I activate Card of Demise, I can draw up to five cards and in five turns, I must discard my entire hand." He looked at the cards he drew. "But I'll destroy you long before then. I tribute my Red-Eyes to summon the mighty Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon (ATK/2400 DEF/2000) He gains three hundred attack points for every dragon card in my graveyard." (ATK/3000) "Any last words?"

Jackie didn't say anything, but laughed.

"Hmph... you've lost it." Smith stated

"Wrong, I just find you ridiculous." Jackie said

"Whatever. Attack my Dragon." Smith's Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon fired a black fireball at Jackie's Red-Eyes, destroying it.

Jackie LP:1600 Smith LP:1400

"Blade Knight finish this." Smith's Blade Knight attack landed, bringing Jackie's Life Points to zero. The holograms disappeared and they're duel disks deactivated, and Smith started walking away.

"I'm not through with you, Smith." Jackie said trying to catch his breath from Smith's attack.

"Don't you know when to quit Jackie?" Smith said with a sigh.

"No, I will never quit. As long as I'm around this rivarly will never end and I'll always keep coming back." With that said Jackie, Smith, and the rest of us left. But me and Mayra had to get ready for our date. Wish me luck.

Spellcasters Vs Dragons

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