Round 3 Part 2: Out of This World Duel
Five remain, but four will go on to the finals. I'm sorry for the wait, but I'm back and ready to duel. Let's continue this thing.
Smith walked to the back after he finished his duel, as the winner over Singe. He dust off some ash from his shoulder, as he mumbled to himself "son of a gun, that'll teach him to burn me." Smith went to his locker and changed out of his white trench coat for another.
"What's the matter, Smith. Couldn't take the heat?" Jackie said mockingly to Smith after he put on his new coat.
"Care Cypress. Push me too far and I'll crush you." Smith said with a hint of warning in his voice
In the duel arena. Me and Josh Mattews a young coyote made our way to the arena. I stood on one side he on the other.
"This duel will determine who will join Angel, Jackie, and Mr. Smith in the final four. Good luck and duel well." That was announced to me and Josh. Our life point counters set, duel disks activated, and drew five cards.
"Let's duel." We both said
My LP:4000 Josh LP:4000
I drew my card "I summon my friend Sapphire Pegasus (ATK/1800 DEF/1200) in attack mode" A sapphire crystal appeared and shattered revealing my pegasus. "He let's me play a crystal beast in the spell and trap card zone." A amber crystal appeared. "I set two cards face down and my turn." Two cards appeared face down
Josh drew his card, "I summon Neos Alius (ATK/1900 DEF/1300) in attack mode. Next I play the field spell Neo Space." The field slot opened and he put in and a space hologram appeared around us. "Attack his Pegasus." His attack landed and a sapphire crystal appeared in the back. "I end my turn"
My LP:3900 Josh LP:4000
I drew my card, 'I activate my face down card, Crystal Promise to bring back my Pegasus." My crystal shattered and my Pegasus took to the field again. And a cobalt crystal appeared in the back. "Next I summon Topaz Tiger (ATK/1600 DEF/1000)" A topaz crystal appeared and shattered revealing a white tiger with a horn on its head. "When he attacks a monster, he gains four hundred extra attack points. Attack my tiger." (ATK/2000) My attack lands
My LP;3900 Josh LP:3900
"Sapphire your up." My second attack lands, "I end my turn."
my LP;3900 Josh LP:2100
Josh drew his card, "I play Fake Hero, to summon Elemental Hero Neos (ATK/2500 DEF/2000) I summon Aqua Dolphin (ATK/600 DEF/800) next I activate NEX to turn my dolphin into Marine Dolphin (ATK/900 DEF/1100) NOW I contact fuse them to make Marine Neos (ATK/2800 DEF/2300) and thanks to Neo Space he gains an extra five hundred (ATK/3300)" His two monster jumped in the air and fused together. His new monster landed in front of him. "Attack his tiger." Josh attack landed and a topaz crystal appeared in the back "Go"
My LP:2200 Josh LP;2100
I drew my card, "I summon Ruby Carbuncle (ATK/300 DEF/300)" A ruby crystal appeared and shattered revealing a little cat with a ruby gem on its tail. "And activate Crystal Beacon, if I have two or more crystal beast in the spell and trap card zone. I can summon one from the deck, go Amethyst Cat (ATK/1200 DEF/400)" An amethyst crystal appeared and shattered revealing a pink cat. "Yes now I summon one of the most feared dragons in duel monster. Rainbow Dragon (ATK/4000 DEF/0)"
In the back. Angel was watching the duel on the plasma tv, "No way, he's actually gonna pull it off." She said surprisingly, Smith overheared and walked over to watch.
'That's right, Spencer. Play that dragon, I need to see it one more time.' Smith thought to himself
I played the card on my duel disk, and all seven crystals floated upward toward the arena ceiling. And my dragon appeared floating to my side, "Amethyst attack him directly." She pounced at him taking damage
My LP:2200 Josh LP:1500
"Rainbow Dragon your turn, attack with rainbow blast." My dragon launched his attack destroying his monster
My LP:2200 Josh LP:800
"Pegasus end this, now." My Pegasus attack landed bringing his life points to zero, ending the duel. Our duel disks deactivated, and the holograms turned off. The crowd cheered at the most exciting duel they seen thus far. Smith, Jackie, and Angel stepped in the arena. And waved to the crowd accept Smith, of course. After that we left to our hotel rooms for much needed rest.