Thirteen Tales From Another World: Fourth Tale
It caused a piece of flint to quickly slide against another creating a spark that lit the fuse of the bottle rocket. aria copied them, and then all of the bottle rockets were launched aiming for the other ship.
Chapter 2: Accidental Discovery
, she said with a smirk and a prayer that the rocket would finish the job. the rocket leaves the launcher in a puff of smoke and detonates on impact with the disc.
Shining Aura: Tony's Journey Chapter One: Emerald Eyes
And what's worse, team rocket seems to be connected somehow. i just don't know what to do." he turned to me with a concerned look in his eye.
Breaking the Barrier: Further Experimentation
I'd work more on my rockets, but i think that i should take a break from them.
Pandemic-Day 37 6:52 AM 1/1/2023-Chapter 7-New Year's Day
Once it was full, raf grabbed the rocket while i grabbed the duffel and the brown paper bag and we exited the mall. we loaded the stuff onto the truck and soon we were back on the interstate.
Cat's Cradle(teaser) - Furtual Horizons
The first launcher empty, the second now took its turn sending another group of rumbling rockets down the hallway.
Chaos Pokemon Chapter 7:Tails New Partner
The only reason we got banged up is because he was using a new defense system that we weren't expecting and he teamed up with team rocket. ash- yeah, plus with our pokémon's help. we were able to put him and team rocket in their place.
Red's Adventure (6) - Brock's Challenge
The rocket on the pedestal here is for display purposes only, but it is an almost exact replica of the original. the exploration team made it to the moon in a rocket just like this. do you know what they found there?"
Chapter 7 - The Origin of Skyfire, Part 2
The double-doors to the room fly open, several rockets coming in. "what the fuck is going on in here!?" one yells out. devastation rids the room.
Night Lights of July
With only six rockets remaining as intended, the group went to their positions: jude knelt on the left side with two big rockets, caitlyn to his right with a small one with a green spiral, bolt with two small ones of solid red and blue, and buzz to round out
K-495 chapter 4
"they have aks, a sa-7 anti aircraft rocket, and 2 rpgs," he said, walking over to the ladder that let to the hatch.
the bigger they are the harder they fall
Go and get a napalm rocket ready and use reds coordinates now!'' the admiral shouted to the scientists and they got working.