The House on Rainbow Road - 13 - Tara
"ta... ra?" "yeah, from delta omega... we have english class together on tuesdays and thursdays." "tara... tara... oh god... tara!" tara stood frozen as her sister stepped forward and hugged the frightened girl to her.
Ah, la Vache !
Votre paquet doit contenir cette notice, une fiole contenant un liquide bleu, le â«â cgtgf3dâ â» et d'une enveloppe contenant la fiche d'apprã©ciation .â â» i vã©rifia le contenu de la fiole qui s'avã©ra ãªtre bleue comme indiquã© sur la notice
Legecia Chat
"lieh" means soil, "sorak" means sky, "naerehk" means lightning, "kameru" means water, "jakirao" means cold, "alurtar" means nature or flora, "vaehna" means spirit, "naisu" means love, "nactar" means evil, "ruk" meand darkness, and "ra" means light.
Duel Monsters: Fate of Two Worlds Ch.1
Dr beckett said almost exploding with rage, chancellor redmond just carried on smiling as he turned to the two ra yellow students before him, "care to tell me what happened?"
Tyler's pokemon adventure 3
His last word was "au....ra". tyler was beginning to wake but he felt restricted in his movements and there was also a weight on top of his chest.
Behind Locked Doors | Finale
Kyle he ra-" "i know what he's done," kyle interrupted in a demanding voice, "i know what he's been trying to do."
Enter Rayfall
I now had a little sister, uura (pronounced oo-ra), and a little wyvern brother, thaad ( pronounced th-ah-duh). uura was purple with golden eyes, while thaad was orange with deep blue eyes. the two were as close as i was with nephilla when we were pups.
Ratchet and Clank: Time After Time (Chapter 1)
Nefarious, i can't say how glad i am to see you ra-, both of you, i'm glad to see both of you." r: he smiled. "nice save talwyn, it's good to see you too. where are cronk and zephyr?" t: "oh, them?
Oh the New Places pt 1 and 2
I give a lighthearted laugh "i hope not too wasted, i don't want the ra to find out we've been drinking when we return" i say, the ra is the resident advisor, a student who lives on the floor but is also kinda in charge of everyone
Tales of a small dog
I'm the ra here so don't be afraid to ask for anything." said quiana with a small smile. as the corgi walked to his dorm room with a anxious feeling and a key in hand. his room was on the 4th floor.
The Volantis Corps-Ch4
I laugh, "huming spra ra leks? 16" "hé, we do, young wolf." he replies in a very subtle russian accent as he points an ak74 right at my forehead. i laugh and bring up my m4a3 carbine. "i have a gun too. you know?" "ah...yes, but you're outnumbered."
The Adventures of Devlin Mythryll Episode Twelve: Informer
I ra-" "eros!" devlin yelled. "is that her?" "yes it is," eros replied. "it is my sister, sin." devlin went over to the door and saw the other female feline in the doorway. he was surprised to see how much the sisters looked alike.