Tales of a small dog

Story by peace lover on SoFurry

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#1 of Tales of a Underdog

Hello there guys this is my first time writing a story so please go a little easy on ok.

Also this is my first time posting anything on sofurry and please tell what you guys think about it.

On a college campus students were all checking into there dorms with friends and family but the main group that stuck out were a pair of Corgis

"Mom ..please stop crying ..please your attracting attention to us." Her son said gently toosoothe his mother. Courtney stifled her sobs "I'm sorry Jason but I just so happy and proud that your going places with you life.." His mom hugged him closely. "I mean look at your so handsome and smart." Jason looked over at his appearance and sighed. Jason was 5'6 and had a tuft of hair sticking between his triangular ears. His eyes are a deep brown, he wore khaki pants, a white under shirt and a checkered white and light brown button up over it.

Jason lets go of his mom and walked over to the trunk of his car. He opened the trunk and picked up two boxes that contained his belongings. "Well I'm going to go on ahead and check in ok mom?" His mom nods and picks up a box. "I'll be right behind you hun." Jason nods and began to walk towards the dorm.

Jason went into the dorm and walked to the front desk that had a busty female bear behind it. "What can I do for you sugar?" The bear asked Jason has he walked to her. The bear wore; a plaid sun dress, a name tag that said "Quiana Parlin", and she had her hair in bun.

< "Ummmm My name is Jason Clanry and I'm wondering if I'm in the correct dorm. Could you please help me?" Jason was practically shaking because he was so nervous about making mistakes on his first day here. Quiana regarded the small corgi with a smile "awwwe look at you. Your so cute. Let me take a look hun." Said the big bear when she turned towards a computer and her fingers flew across the eyboard at lighting speed. "Your in the right place sugar. Your in room 405 and your roommate is a German Sheppard who's name Grant Thomas." His ears twitched at the sound of his roommate's name. It couldn't be could it? The corgi thought to himself as put the boxes down on the ground.

The Grant that Jason knew had betrayed him. Jason placed a paw over his heart and hoped that it wasen't the same Grant. Quiana looked at the small dog and snapped in front of his face.

"You ok there hun? You looked like you were in another place." She said while holding out a key to him. Jason shook his head "Sorry my mind was somewhere else but umm is it to late to change my room?" Jason was hoping that there was still time to switch. Quiana shook her head and gave a sad look. "I'm sorry Honey but all the other rooms in this dorm are already booked with people. That and it's already a bit too late for a request." Jason gave a exasperated sigh and nodded his head, that would have been to easy he thought to himself.

With a lowered head, Jason accepted the keys from the robust bear. " You come down here if you need anything sweetie. I'm the RA here so don't be afraid to ask for anything." Said Quiana with a small smile.

As the corgi walked to his dorm room with a anxious feeling and a key in hand. His room was on the 4th floor. As Jason walked up the flight of stairs he wasn't paying any attention to his surroundings which lead him to crashing into someone.

Jason was caught off guard when a black and white figure crashed into him as soon as he reached the top. "Ahgh!?" Cried out the smaller dog as the two tumbled down the stairs. His eyesight when black when he hit his head on the bottom of the steps.

Jason couldn't see a thing and he felt sore all over but it was minor and he could hear someone was calling out to him.

"H-hey! Wake up!.." called a voice that sounded muffled. When Jason opened up his eyes, his vision was slightly blurry. Slowly his vision cleared and he saw a handsome husky on him.

The husky had the usual type of black and white fur and had sky blue eyes. The husky smiled when he saw the corgi's eyes open and let out a sigh of relief. "Whoooo boy! Man I thought you were seriously hurt there for a moment!" His tail waging at a mile a minute. Jason was confused and then he was angry but then he quickly started to blush deeply because he just realized that the hunk was lying right on top of him.

There was the sound of the husky's tail waging but he stopped his tail when he noticed that the small dog was turning a crimson red. "Huh? What's wrong? Are you hurt?" He asked with his head tilted slightly to the side. Jason's voice was small and sounded muffled, so the husky questioned him again. "Excuse me but what?" Jason was practically trying to swallow his heart back down into his chest. "Ummm...sorry but your lying on top of me and ummmm.."

The husky looked down to see that both of their crotchs were rubbing against each other. It was the husky's turn to blush. "Oh uhh sorry about that!" He got up quickly and backed up to hold out his hand to pull the corgi up. Jason looked up at hand that was stretched out to him and accepted his help. As he grabbed the hand in front of him, Jason could feel the strength of the husky that was standing before him. "Heh umm I'm sorry about that. My name's Richard."

Jason looked at this so called "Richard" and he could see that he was about a head taller then him. "It's ok and my name's Jason. Nice to meet you Richard. But what was that about?"

Richard rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. "Uhhhh sorry but I was a bit in of a rush but heh if I run into cute guys like you then I don't mind." He said with a mischievous grin. Jason took a step back because he could feel his heart fluttering and turned his head. Richard took a step forward but noticed that some of Jason's things were on the floor.

"Oh shit! Sorry!" He said as he bent down to gather some of Jason's stuff. Jason realized it too and began to pick up his things. After they but everything in the box the stood up and faced each other. "Well sorry about that but if we do see each other around campus some time. Let me treat you to something later to make up for it." He said with a wink and started to rush off again.

Jason just stood there wondering about what just happened. He slowly processed what just happened in his head that he was just tackled, flirted with and was just left there.

While he stood there as Courtney was climbing up the stairs and found him just standing there with a blank expression on his face. "Jason? Hun are you ok?" As she neared him. Jason shook his head and grabbed his box. " yeah mom I'm ok." But that was certainly a interesting husky, I might just take him up on that offer.

The two corgis made their way up to the 4th floor without any further bumps. Jason looked at the key that was in his hand and it had a tag that said 405. His thoughts kept going back to the husky from earlier and he couldn't help but smile to himself. Courtney put a hand on his shoulder " Jason we are here." As she waved her hand at the door that was on his left.

"Oh right sorry I'm just sort of out of it right now." He tried to rub the back of his head but flinched because we touched the spot where he hit his head. Courtney noticed that and put the box down to have free hands to check on his head. "What's wrong did you hit your head?" Courtney grabbed Jason by the scruff of his neck to hold him still. "Mom! Not here I'm just fin- Agh!" Jason didn't get the chance to finish because he cried out in pain. His mom applied pressure on the back of his head to find out what was wrong and she found a bruise

Jason hated it when his mom would baby him in public. He broke free from his mother's grip and put a gentle hand on his head. "I'm ok mom really!" But the look on her face showed that she didn't believe it. "Hun if you say so but you better take care of that and yourself better." He sighed with relief but was suddenly pulled into a hug. "Mom..." she just hugged him tightly " I mean it Jason! I won't be here for you now because I know your growing up." Her voice was soft, so Jason wrapped his arms around her. " I'll be ok mom I promise." She let go and started down the hallway and turned around . " I know honey and you better keep contact with us at home. Also you will tell me how you got that bruise." She was sniffling but she was smiling.

"Wait mom your not going stay around for a bit longer?" She shook her head "No sorry hun. I would love to help you but you know how the others get when I'm gone to long. Oh and make sure you find a good guy this time and bring him home with on the holidays." His mom said with a wink and turned to walk away. Jason sighed but he knows that he loves her but did she really have to say that about finding another guy... especially since she knows about what happened with the last one.

Jason looked over at the door again and knocked on the door to test if anyone was inside the room. After a few silent moments he decided that it was ok to go ahead and open up the door. What he found inside was his roommate's things already settled inside on one side of the room. There was two beds, two desks, and two closets inside of the room. The room was arranged where there was one of each of the provided furniture on opposite sides of the room. After carrying all of things inside and placing them on the other side. Now what should I do thought the corgi as placed the last box on the desk that was on the unclaimed desk.

Without really thinking Jason started to unpack all of his belongings since his roommate had already unpacked. He didn't really bring a lot with him except the essential and personal things that would help him make it through college. Of course there's his school supplies, luggage that contained his clothes, a alarm clock, a few bracelets that he got and received over time. He also brought something that hurt him but he couldn't leave it behind and it was a stuffed German Sheppard plush doll that was dressed in a little police uniform.

The plush doll was from his ex boyfriend that had cheated on him. Jason stopped unpacking and picked up the doll and stares at the plush. Why did I bring this with me.... He thought as a few memories started to surface. But he didn't get enough time to relive them because the door opened and the person that was standing before him was a German Sheppard. The very same Sheppard that broke his heart and his name is Grant Thomas....