Enter Rayfall
Chapter 6: Welcome to Fyroduce City
Overall, the train trip was uneventful. Ennica and I had really gotten closer as friends. She stopped waiting for my every command and started acting more like a average girl. When we arrived at Fyroduce City, Ennica was awestruck. Fyroduce in Aryian ment monument. Huge statues of war heroes adorned the streets. Fyroduce, in legends, was a stronghold for a draconian army during The Great Schism (Author's note: More to follow on The Great Schism). Since then, it became a huge trading post. People out here lived a more traditional life, so Ennica and I changed from city clothes to older, more medieval clothes. Ennica wore a loose, green tunic and blue pants pants. I was wearing a firey red cloak with a heavy leather belt so I could hang my swords off of it.
The hotel we were going to stay at was a mid-class hotel. Sort of like a Best Western or a Holiday Inn on Earth. It had a swimming pool with a Sauna and Steam Room attached. When we got to the hotel, we got extremely lucky. The manager was a panther and could only speak Myr, the language of panthers. Ennica was trilingual, able to speak English, Aryian and Myr. I only knew how to say hello, thanks and goodbye in Myr
"Ask him how much it is for long distance phone calls." I suggested to Ennica
" Nenu ma mu kau loonug durista?" Ennica asked, pointing to the phone.
"Kau loonug durista...." He looked at a list on his desk. "Ah. Mecre hier guild domo."
Ennica turned to me. "He says the Guild is taking care of everything."
"'Kay." I turned to the manager. "Hyiar(Thanks)"
The manager smiled and spoke in broken english, handing me the keys to our room. "You have good stay."
As we got into the elevator, Ennica turned to face me. "Why long distance?"
I sighed. "I miss Sunset already."
After Lacyus had left, I found my parents again. They had settled into their new condo nicely. It was a three bedroom condo with a nice kitchen and family room. My parents owned a restauraunt in town. My mom was the cook, while my dad helped where he could, fixing stoves if they broke down or balancing the business accounts. Nephilla and I became waitresses.
"Okay, so that's one perogies, one beef dip and one BLT sandwich." I gathered up the menus from the customers, a family of a male grey wolf, a female husky and their son. "Your meals will be ready in a couple minutes.
I walked into the kitchen. Mom was busy cooking several meals. She always seemed to have a talent for cooking the perfect meal.
"One perogies, one beef dip and one BLT." I told mom, handing her the order.
She pointed at the stove. "I have some perogies going there. Can you finish them please?"
I nodded and headed over to the stove. Dad walked in with a notebook and pencil and went over to mom
"Hey honey, how's this look?" He asked. "If we put about 50 dollars-ish more into the restauraunt, we can look at expanding the kitchen a bit."
Mom smiled and kissed dad. "Perfect so far."
Dad walked out and mom went back to cooking. Suddenly, I noticed a glittering tear fall from my mother's face.
I turned and gave her a worried frown. "What's wrong mom?"
She sniffled a bit and cleared her throat. "Sorry, but I just can't believe it. You and Nephilla are back. We're a family again." Mom wiped more tears out of her eyes. "I never thought I'd see either of you again."
I simply smiled and kissed my mom on the cheek. The door bells jingled and I took it as my signal to prepare for another customer. But instead of a customer, it was Nephilla coming off her break. Ever since she figure out who she was again, there was a flurry of paperwork to be done. There was not only updating her status from missing (presumed dead) to living, but she had to tranfer her education credits from human high school to the xenomorphic system. Recently, she seemed to be undergoing subtle changes in her personality. She was becoming more confident in herself, especially as a dragon. Though there wasn't anymore mating between her and Rykuu (as far as I knew), the two seemed to be getting closer as a couple.
"Hi mom!" She walked over and kissed mom on the cheek.
"Hey Neph. How's things going? You're over that dragon flu right?"
"Yeah. That was nasty stuff."
I sighed and sorta retreated inwards. Despite being with my family, it would have been ten times better to have Lacyus with me. I was already starting to miss him.
"Wake up Mira."
A gentle hand shook me gently, waking me up. It had been several days since Skyve and I had gotten back together. I never asked for an apology from him. All that mattered to me was the fact that I had my love back. I groaned and rolled onto my back, opening my eyes and looking into Skyve's eyes.
I smiled affectionately. "Hey." I murmured, still half asleep. I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him down, kissing him.
"Can you sit up yet?" Skyve turned around.
"Sure." I propped myself up and sat upright. "Why?"
He turned around holding a tray. "I have something special for you."
I realized he had made breakfast in bed for me. "Awww, you're so sweet Skyve, thank you." Taking, the tray, I kissed him again. It had a plate with pancakes and bacon and a bottle of syrup and a glass of orange juice. "You didn't have to do this."
He smiled and sat down next to me, letting me lean against him. "You deserve it. Or, rather, it's an apology."
"I broke up with you when I shouldn't have. If we'd stayed together, I would probably proposed to you and we'd be engaged."
My heart fluttered. "Engaged?"
I could feel a lump forming in my throat. "I mean that much to you?"
Skyve smiled and licked me. "You always have and always will."
I felt tears rolling down my face. I could care less about whatever anyone else said. So long as Skyve was happy, I was happy. "I love you Skyve."
I finished my breakfast, thinking about what Skyve told me. After I finished, we cuddled in my bed, murmuring and kissing, loving each second we were together. This was one of the only times I actually acted more like a girl than a tomboy. I loved cudding with Skyve. It always made me feel like I was the reason the world kept turning.
I had my eyes closed, letting Skyve gently nuzzle me and lick me. I thrummed happily in return for his attention. "I never thought I could be able to do this again."
"I know."
There was a long silence. It wasn't uncomfortable. It was just because we didn't know what to say. Words didn't do justice to what I felt in those moments. All that seemed to exist was me and Skyve, happily in love and with two now complete hearts.
"I love you Skyve."
"I love you too Mira."
The restauraunt had closed down and we went home. Mom was taking a bath while dad was barbecueing our dinner. Nephilla was busy working on paperwork for the government. I was playing my my new siblings.
After mom and dad had resigned themselves to never seeing Neph or me again, they tried for another child. And they got their wish. A couple of months before they visited me in Cobalus, my mom laid a pair of eggs. She had nursed them and protected them fiercely. They hatched while mom and dad were moving. I now had a little sister, Uura (pronounced oo-ra), and a little Wyvern brother, Thaad ( pronounced th-ah-duh). Uura was purple with golden eyes, while Thaad was orange with deep blue eyes. The two were as close as I was with Nephilla when we were pups. They didn't know how to talk yet, but they could already run and fly a little bit.
Uura charged at me, running up my wing. She firmly grasped the edge and I smiled.
Uura chiruped and nodded eagerly. I began to vigorously shake my wing, sending Uura flailing around. She was in bliss, laughing and growling playfully, hanging on for dear life. Finally, she lost her grip and flew into the air. She came down and I caught her. Thaad eagerly pulled on my wing, wanting his turn soon.
The phone rang and I picked it up. "Hello?"
"Hey love."
My heart soared. "Lacyus! How was the trip?"
"Not too bad. Boring at some points but yeah."
We made small talk for quite some time.
"I'm really starting to miss you."
I sighed. "Yeah, me too..."
"I promise, when I get back, the next chance we get, I'll try and do something special."
Vash and I were still at the Cabin. We were in the hot tub, enjoying a few drinks. Vash had treated, or rather tried to treat me to a homemade dinner. I ended up having to step in, but I still thought it was a nice thing for Vash to attempt. Dinner was stil good (after I had timely saved the steaks from burning on the grill), and strangley enough, despite needing help with dinner, Vash turned out to be an budding food and wine critic.
"See, aged wine have better taste, but I find that fresher wine does have it's plus." Vash commented, swirling his drink.
I laughed and smiled. "Okay, okay, you win Vash." I scooted over and gave him a kiss, a quick peck on his nose.
"See, I say I convi-" He stopped and suddenly became super aware.
I set down my glass. "What's wrong?"
Vash pulled himself out of the water. "Someone come."
I swore quietly. Vash, being an Ebondragon (earth element dragon) could detect the miniscule vibrations in the earth's surface. "How far?"
Vash slipped a pistol out of the backpack he brought. Suddenly there was a clattering on the deck. Vash roared and ran after it, with me in pursuit. He went around the corner and there was clattering and swearing. Finally Vash's voice cut through the chaos.
I rounded the corner and saw that Vash had cornered a bat xenomorph. "Who the hell are you?"
The bat ignored the question. "Where's Lady Sunset?"
"Who the hell are you?" I barked again, more insistent this time. I knew that Sunset was now a Lady of the Order of Realms.
"And I'm asking you where Lady Sunset is!" He chittered back. "If you don't tell me, I'm searching the house!"
"I don't care! What the hell do you hav-"
I was cut of by a banshee screech let off by the bat. Both Vash and I dropped to the deck, desperately trying to block out the sound. The bat rushed past us, kicking the front door open. It took us a moment too long to recover. We raced inside only to find an empty house with a portal array sloppily drawn in Sunset and Lacyus' room.