Morphia Episode 3: The Guild War Challenge
**Episode 3: The Guild War Challenge** Despite Alex's enthusiasm to begin, the two teams did not immediately begun slugging away at each other. Rather instead, they began to have an argument over who I apparently belonged to. "Enough!" shouted...
Climbing the Food Chain: An Introduction
**Climbing the Food Chain:** With the revitalization of competitive blood sports in which contestants fight to the death for the amusement of the audience, one particular series has garnered a massive rise in popularity. Having been subjected to...
Changeling, the Dreaming - A Basic Introduction
**Changeling, the Dreaming: imagine taking the elements of the Chronicles of Narnia, the story of Bridge to Terabithia, and the crushing weight of real life baring down on you, then making a game out of it. That, my friends, is what you can expect to...
Island Map
The island which Climbing the Food Chain takes place uses terraforming technology in order to create an artificial landscape where multiple different environments can exist in the same geographical location. This map and key will provide a general run...
Dodekatheon Pantheon
**Name:** Dodekatheon **Culture:** Greek **Details:** Second oldest of the divine tribes, the Dodekatheon comprises the Olympian Gods of Greco-Roman legend. Their origins are murky, since the ancient Greeks already knew their Gods when they...
The Aesir Pantheon
**Name:** The Aesir **Culture:** Norse **Details:** Born in the wastes and ruin of Northern Europe, among Germanic warriors and Nordic pirates, the Aesir compose the fourth oldest of the divine families. Their pantheon is the product of a shotgun...
The Loa Pantheon
**Name:** The Loa **Culture:** Voodoo **Details:** The Loa are divinities of ancient West Africa, transplanted through slavery to the Caribbean and North and South America. They make up the most mixed of the pantheons in terms of age. Gods only a...
Concept Map of the PSB
**Layout Details:** **Entrance Hall** - The corridor which must be passed through to enter or leave the PSB **Lobby and Battle Arena** - Serves as both a check in station, as well as the primary hub of the PSB. Fights between members take place...
MLP: FiM: Chapture 7: An Arm And A Leg
"there is no other quest that requires his arm. not even the quest of the dragon's farm.". **"** hey guys! take a break!" applejack shouted to big macintosh and doozer.
Rise and fall of a collector
Other times, other people were faster than me, making me realize that i had to be faster in this quest of mine.
Twelve Days of Skyrim - TES Arrow in the Knee Christmas Song
Nine pointless quests, eight points overburdened, seven bottles of skooma, six friendly fire bolts, five summoned scamps! four fur helms, "will you just leave the wolves alone?! i'm sick with hell joint again!"
My Fursona
A note pinned to the bundle read "taurn, here are weapons for your quest.