Supercurrent Origins

The museum guard yawned as he watched the cameras, idly eying a book he'd left on the desk. It was dull work, watching the cameras actively; he honestly wondered why the position even existed, since they were recording anyway. Still, it paid well, even...

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A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 26

Strong Soul found herself wandering the corridors of the Rose when she wasn't needed on the bridge, and now that they were well and truly away from the scene of the battle and on their way back to Mss'ranaw, the small fleet had little use for her....

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Tactical Alliance of Intergalactic Life

Here is another fragment of a document that i wrote on the civilization to explain their origin: **origin:** the origin of the race has been debated for thousands of years among the many governments that have existed during the development of "anthromals"

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Gargoyles: Clan of the South- Part 2

The sun descended on the horizon. As night fell on the Manhattan skyline the gargoyles woke from their stone sleep. Pieces slowly cracked and chipped away from their bodies. When enough of their stone skin had fallen away they stretched, bursting forth...

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Gargoyles: Clan of the South- Part 1

He landed in a darkened alleyway, his wings aching from the amount of gliding he just did. He wasn't tired but his breath sounded loud to his own ears. He kept his eyes to the sky fearing that the one after him would spot his new found hiding place....

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I yanked on my thread to zip up to the original branch, but too late; the boar has ran through and snapped my thread, so that i was once again falling into his hungry maw. this time, he got me.

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DragonZ -Origins- :Legend of the Twilight Dragon (1-3 both)

._ _ _ i awoke several hours later then i had originally planned and was discouraged to find the best hunting hour had come and gone.

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The Beginning

Sorin Markov and content related to Magic: The Gathering is copyrighted to Wizards of the West Coast. Sorin (the furry) is mine. This is sort of an background story for my fursona, Sorin. If gives a small insight into how he became what...

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Waking Up: Nightstorm, Part 1

#1 of furmageddon origins a stoat wakes up to find himself in a strange world. darkness. that is my first memory; the darkness of the world behind closed eyes.

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The Risen Curtain - Chapter 16: The Interview - Magecraft & Magic

The root is said to be the origin of all that existed, exists and will one day exist. it is also know as akashic records.

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Leap of Faith (Original)

It felt natural to be in the woods. To walk among the thick trunks, knowing in their old age. To bask in the silvery light of the moon as it shone through the thick leaves. Of course, all of this was a little strange because of my knowledge that I was...

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The Story of the Seven Brothers

Long ago, the whole world was different. This world was a world in that all the dinosaur species had not appeared yet, so it was very different. This was a world with the sweet air in winch you could even smell the peace. This was a place where there...

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