Ryt's Rants #2
To me the routing of public transportation is done by a half blind chimpanzee throwing wet noodles at the wall while having muscle spasms in his one working arm. you either save time with your own car or save money taking a bus!"
Pokemon - TOTGM - After Story Special - 16
Chris asked, the girls looking at her curiously as the fox looked down at the noodles.
Lonely Oak Chapter 104 - Swimmer's Ear
Many brought toys to play with: squirt guns, beach balls, diving sticks, noodles, and rubber torpedoes.
Chapter 2
At this point the water was boiling, so i added the noodles and waited. i stirred in the flavor packet into the water and poured it into a large bowl. i walked back to the table with the ramen and began to read while i ate.
The Little Match Girl
After finishing the noodle on the desk, she turned on the gas and left the house.** ** suddenly she giggled. first of all she just smiled, then she start to laugh.
Firefox - Chapter 1 - Thirty-Seven
"two of the three-meat noodle dishes, one with no peas," he said looking at wolf, before looking at fox, "and one with extra carrots. a bottle of the flavored water," his gaze returned to wolf, "one of the captain's malt, and extra blankets."
Journey to another world pt2 ch67
And an hour later we were sitting around with spaghetti sauce covering our mouths and bellies full of noodles.
Zakar seals his mouth around ishika's form and begins slurping him up like a noodle, swallowing his chest down. ishika presses against the opening to zakar's stomach and looks around.
What if we find out
I reached into the box, broke one of the dry noodles in half, putting the broken end in my mouth before loading my hand with three more full noodles. i sighed and clenched them in my fist.
Chapter 5
He looked out the window and down at the street spotting a noodle place right across the street from the hospital, â€what do you say we steal those clothes back and we go get some food hmm?
January 10, 2020
Soon enough, the two of them were sitting in a smallish, quiet noodle restaurant that wasn't too far from the stadium. they traded a few words back and forth while they waited for the food to arrive.
(Dream Journal) I Remember
There was a giant loch ness monster floaty that some easygoing guys were on and i pattered around the water with pool noodles.