Kalek Kelegar (French version)
.** **sa peau est principalement formée d'écailles de petites tailles, suffisamment du moins pour passer inaperçu au premier regard avec leur couleur d'un brun très foncé, presque noir par endroit et leur aspect mat.
Mean You No Harm
#7 of respawn this is the seventh chapter of my noir space opera, respawn.
[Story - French] Les enfants ne sont pas des jouets - chap 4
Il faisait déjà noir dehors et la pièce serait presque totalement dans le noir si une petite lampe de chevet n'éclairait pas un peu. il entra doucement jusqu'à ce qu'il remarque la forme allongée dans le lit. « mon dieu, ne me dis pas que...?
Lonely Oak Chapter 11
#11 of lonely oak part 1 | cycla circadia the world was noire. pre-dawn light refracted across the clouds, as if the sky were a swatch of the deep ocean and the sun barely breached through the surface of the waters.
Die A Thousand Deaths
#13 of respawn chapter 13 of my noir space opera respawn. 'everyone has secret words that can save them. everyone has secret words that can kill them.' (unknown) "so they weren't slaves?" "not technically," fran's best friend had answered.
A Night for Cats
A Night for Cats By Foxpiper The full moon cast its pale light, Illuminating the forest during the night; Whilst stars shone brightly against darkness' foray, A myriad of cats came out to play. Frolicking felines wandered across the ground, ...
'The Struggle' - Chapter 1
noire. being honest, i've never been to l.a. so i'm just going to improvise! anyway, enjoy! * * * "next!" shouted the recruitment officer who sat at the table in front of me.
Un restaurant qui se porte bien
Éloïse, une louve noire de 28 ans, a plus d'une particularité. elle est, aussi surprenant que cela puisse paraître, en couple avec un caribou, kari.
#15 of respawn chapter 15 of my space noir respawn. i hope it posts right this time! 'housewives should make $115,000 a year.' \*\*\* "'but there are no pixies!' the housewife protested. 'there's no such thing as pixies!'"
Jerry Archer character Bio.
So this is a character I wrote for a Heathen City fan fic I made quite awhile ago. Little note, this character is non-canon to Alex Vance's comic. I just posted this because Jerry Archer is one of my more favorite characters I developed and I though it...
Don't Mess with the Moons 3 [TF/TG]
The town of Dunwhich was resting easy. The news had finally gone public that the head of the Moons had mysteriously disappeared and was presumed dead. With the moon full, the orange vixen stood perched on the roof of the largest building in town, hand...
The Fire Without. (Part 2)
If Lester Finch had known he would be a corpse by lunch, he would have bought himself a pastrami sandwich. But he shuffled past the Jewish deli, ignored the German bakery and paid no notice to the French Patisserie. Far from being a food nationalist,...