Walls: Reboot 6 - The Spellbound King

We're still relying on perfect monitoring, something we already established wasn't possible for now."

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For a friend

Slippy you stay here and monitor the building, falco your with me." "try not to distract each other." "hey!"

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Journey to another world pt2 ch70

Several nurses and doctors stand around the peculiar boys bed as they all stare up at the monitor in confusion.

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Crimes Undone Part One

His movements were monitored by ai, who remotely controlled armored and uniformed machines during their interactions with him.

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A Life Worth Living - Chapter 8 - When Hell is Raining Down on You

Looking around i saw i was in a lab room of some sort, with a few monitors on the wall and a control panel of some sort. i focused on two of the monitors and saw william and kaynin strapped to separate tables in different rooms.

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Carrier Wolves - Chapter 3: Pirates

Carlos set course on the navigation monitor. the plan in getting to arcturus was reasonably simple, though it seemed that they were headed slightly off the standard pathway, moving a number of light years off target.

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Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 5

The engineering officer stared blankly at the forward monitor, his jaw hanging open in stunned surprise. there was a torturous silence about the command bridge. "status report!"

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Who is Schyster Werkes?

"continue auto play y/n" flashed on the monitor, and with every passing second the monitor emitted a soft bell noise. the old lion cleared his throat and rolled up his sleeve, and then he pressed "y".

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Industrial Model

Giselle grinned at that, then turned and nodded to a monitor. "look for yourself, robo-donk." he followed her gaze, and saw a monitor with a full length view of him.

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Chronicles of B-man: Oggstrouse Prologue

-a large monitor came to life for a moment before doing dark as the video began, it was a tournament of some sort in canada.


Love is Color Blind Chapter 7: Fragile Night

The beeping of the monitor slowed, as did kuyomi's breathing. soon, he was passed out once again, but not before mumbling out what sounded like him saying "robin." the audino sighed in relief as the chimes faded away.

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