Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 38

Even lonesome is a sergeant and she's pregnant, shimmers is just a kid and he's already a warrant officer," melancholy hadn't event started to clean herself and she started to cry, her tears mixing with the hot water as it drained away.


Go For It

"now what's a cute little fox doing sitting all by his lonesome over here?" came a deep voice all of the sudden. tommy looked up from his phone to see an arctic wolf leaned on the booth chair, supported by his broad arm.

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Ruined Nights: Part 4

We traveled for a while, and all the while my mind was wondering how exactly she would murder these people--if she murdered at all--and how she could bring a mansion down to rubble all by her lonesome.

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A Long, Dark Road (Part 7)

The place stood well above the colossal monoliths beside it, and the odd geometry of the primordial buildings made it seem inherently wrong, a thing from beyond the veil of the mortal fold to stand lonesome as a pinnacle of dark magics long dead.

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The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act2/Chapter1

Or am i wrong and dying a death of lonesome despair somehow rivals living a long life of adamant worship?" "you are wrong!" thundered the faerie's voice; soft maternal kindness replaced by a cold razor's edge.

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The Human Species Ch. 24 - Twisted Pokémon Professor

I wanna see lonesome wanderer lucario!" ###### _chapter improved and approved by beta reader_

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Koto (chapter 9: It's Just a Flesh Wound)

The elevator doors shut, leaving jeckelyn all by her lonesome. walking over to kuzu's desk, she picked up his pen off of the floor and placed it in the pen mug that read '#1 scientist.'

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A Silent Soul- Chapter 25

"nah, he made plans to go hang out with one of his friends so i'm all by my lonesome on our big bed." i mock pouted drawing a snicker from the shepherd.

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PoolSide - FurStory

Left standing on his lonesome, coulah couldn't help but look disappointed and slightly upset. elite continued with his pace, the last few seconds before he disappears around the corner, he turns his head.

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Witch Blood - 03

Sacred cloths and a scroll like a bolt of cloth stood in a lonesome center. the scent of burnt incense covered most of the stink but the entire village had been in this room together for days ... and rhea could feel it.

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 24

Only a wolf of some significant status would be burned by their lonesome. khiifa was such a wolf, and she saw that the pyre had been built for one.

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