A Silent Soul- Chapter 25
#28 of A Silent Soul
Chapter 25! :D
Ohhhhmahhhgooooddddd I'm back everyone! I've been really craving some writing so I figured I needed to bust out this chapter tonight since I had some free time! I won't keep you guys here long because I know you guys wanna get to reading so go read and I'll see you at the bottom of the page! :D
I awoke to a cold feeling, searching for my wolf's space heating body next to me only to open my eyes to see him getting dressed near the closet. My rustling of the sheets caused his ears to perk up and swivel towards me, his head and body following suit a second later.
"Good morning sleepy, know what time it is?" He asked teasingly.
"Time for you to get back over here and snuggle me that's what time it is." I suggested, glancing at the alarm clock only to have my eyes widen in shock as I noted the time 1:24. "It's passed 1 o'clock?? We basically slept the damn day away!" I groaned in displeasure, rolling onto my back to stare blankly at the ceiling.
"Well we were out pretty late last night." Jasper reminded me while pulling on a light gray long-sleeve shirt. The previous night of fun came rushing back causing my limbs to fill with energy and tail wag underneath me.
"Last night was so much fun, we definitely have to do that again sometime." I exclaimed sitting up in bed, giving a stretch and a yawn to help shake off the last of my tiredness. Hopping out of bed I navigated my way across the messy room towards my side of the closet and began picking out an outfit for the day. I settled on the usual dark jeans and my blue and gray striped sweater. "So what should we do today? Didn't really make plans for this weekend." I asked curiously as I tugged my jeans on.
"You might not have made plans but I did, going to meet a friend from high school later today to hang out for lunch and then I'm going to a party tonight, you're welcome to come if you'd like." He informed me. My excitement faltered slightly at the fact that he'd made plans without me but quickly recovered to respond.
"Not much of a partier to be honest, never got into the whole drinking and dancing thing." I admitted. Jasper shrugged nonchalantly in response, seemingly indifferent.
"No worries, I won't be out too late I promise." He told me as he finished brushing his gray fur out before checking himself out in the mirror. The behavior was fairly normal to me by now, the wolf always wanted to look his best which resulted a lot of the time in changing outfits multiple times. But he seemed oddly worried about his appearance this morning which planted a seed of skepticism within me but trusting the wolf to behave I shrugged off my unsureness and finished combing my own blue mohawk to my liking.
"Alright you, I'm gonna head out to meet my friend. I should be back around five-ish and I'll be leaving for the party around eight so we'll have a couple hours to hang out in between, sound good?" He questioned.
"Yep, have fun I'll see you tonight." I replied, watching him turn and walk out the door. I sighed once it closed and flopped down on the bed, trying to think of something to do. I browsed Twitter for a bit until reaching the top of my feed which prompted me to toss my phone down and sigh again boredly.
"What to do, what to do..." I whispered blankly to myself before lighting up and grabbing my phone again. I had a best friend of my own that I needed to catch up with, quickly dialing the number I'd memorized by heart. "Hello?" I heard a familiar voice sound from the other end of the receiver. "Hey Riley it's Elijah, whatcha up to?" I asked the Canadian shepherd.
"Nothing much, just watching some of the hockey game from the other night, you didn't happen to catch it did you?" He questioned hopefully. I grinned against the phone at his love for his country's game and shook my head.
"I did not unfortunately." I informed him.
"Aww dude you should have seen it, it was awesome! One of the players managed to..." I listened to the shepherd ramble on about the big highlights of the game for a few minutes, and I found myself listening intently to his detailed descriptions of each play as a result of his enthusiasm. "So what's up with you, figured you be all lovey dovey on your wolf friend right now." He teased playfully. Riley had always been one of the more lewd friends of mine, never afraid to openly discuss his sexual escapades with his close friends. It was always something I admired about the shepherd, his confidence towards anything he put his mind to.
"Nah, he made plans to go hang out with one of his friends so I'm all by my lonesome on our big bed." I mock pouted drawing a snicker from the shepherd.
"Well why don't you come over here and hang out for a bit, my roommate is out and I'd appreciate the company." He suggested. I grinned giddily and nodded on the other side of the line even though he wouldn't be able to see it.
"Sure thing, where are you staying again?" It didn't take me long to navigate my way to the shepherd's dorm, making sure I found the correct door before reaching out to knock. The idea was quickly dispersed when my hand hit open air to find the shepherd of mention standing there grinning at me.
"Man and I thought Rachel had good hearing." I commented with a chuckle. "
Yeah well I was expecting you so I had an ear out for ya, come on in." The taller male invited, stepping aside to let me inside. There wasn't much to the room, the beds were naturally still separated unlike in my own room. Riley flopped down on his bed and grabbed an Xbox controller handing it to me. "Wanna play for a bit? Just got the new NHL '16 I've been wanting to try it out." He asked, eyes glittering with hope.
"Sure, you'll have to show me how to play though." I informed him.
"Sure thing, it's pretty simple actually..." About 30 minutes of explaining and tutorials later and we finally got around to playing the game itself, which overall was pretty fun but confusing if you didn't understand how hockey worked. I wasn't sure how long it was before we switched the console off and decided to just lay and chat, catching up on our summers. Right in the middle of a conversation about how he'd gotten drunk on some random beach party my phone began vibrating in my pocket. Fishing the phone out I slid the phone to answer.
"Hello?" I answered curiously.
"Hey babe, where you at?" The sound of Jasper's voice rang through the phone. Pulling the phone away from my ear I noted that it was almost 6 o'clock before putting it back.
"Just hanging out with Riley at his place, are you back?" I asked him.
"Yeah got back a few minutes ago, traffic is horrendous right now." He added briskly.
"Well I guess I'll head on back over there then, I'll see you in a couple minutes." I told him before hanging up the phone after brief goodbyes. "Well guess that's my cue to get going." I announced to the shepherd. His ears seemed to lose some of their enthusiasm at that but he stayed positive nonetheless.
"Too bad, I had a lot of fun though, we should definitely do this more often now that we both know we're both on campus. And hey you know where I'm staying now so you're always welcome here." He informed me with a kind smile. I returned the smile and nodded surely.
"Thanks, I'll probably be texting you later since he's going back out tonight for that big party or whatever." I mentioned. His ears seemed to perk at that.
"Oh yeah the party, I remember overhearing Rachel and Jasper discussing going during capture the flag last night. Well yeah that's fine, you're always welcome to come over again if you get bored although we'd have to stay quiet, my roommate goes to bed pretty early." He explained.
"We'll see, I might just go to bed early myself honestly after how late we were out last night." I replied, a tired yawn backing up my statement.
"Alright you should probably get going, he's probably waiting on ya." The shepherd said with a wink. I grinned back cheekily and pulled the door open.
"See ya Riley." I said before walking out and making my way back towards my own hall, the setting sun and rapidly dropping indicating that winter was approaching and it wouldn't be long before I could break out the mittens and scarves.
"So how was your little play date?" I teased the gray wolf who had stripped down to his boxers to lay comfortably on the bed, my head resting with my eyes closed on his bare chest.
"It was alright, just nice to catch up kind of like how you and Riley were today." He replied, petting my blue mohawk slowly.
"Riley told me that Rachel was going with you to that party tonight." I informed the wolf.
"She said she was thinking about it, I actually have to text her and ask if she's still going cause she said she was going to need a ride. Thanks for reminding me." He replied, scratching behind my ear as a sort of reward. I certainly wasn't complaining, leaning into the wolf's firm touch, a quiet whine escaping my muzzle. The wolf didn't miss it however, leaning his muzzle down towards my ear. "You like that?" He whispered quietly. I could only nod in response as he took advantage of one of the canine's many weak spots.
He exploited yet another when his other paw pull me closer to him before sliding under my shirt to rub my stomach playfully. I bit back a giggle as he stroked by tummy fur gently, still scratching firmly behind my ear. A few muffled snickers did escape when he began to apply more pressure and before I knew what was happening I had gotten sucked into a full-fledged tickling, my breaths coming short and infrequent as I laughed maniacally.
"Please Jasper please no more!" I gasped out, finally able to roll away from his clutches and jump off the bed. I immediately became aware of the noticeable tightness in my jeans, signaling my enjoyment and induced excitement. The wolf raised an eyebrow questioningly, seemingly able to smell my distinct arousal.
"Looks like someone enjoyed that more than they're letting on." He commented teasingly. A deep blush fell over my face at his statement, betraying my composure. "Aww it's okay, nothing to be ashamed of silly." He added playfully.
"I know, it's just-" I was cut off by the sound of his phone ringing on the nightstand. Reaching over he answered.
"Yeah of course I'm still going, are you?"
"What time is it?"
"Oh shit I've gotta start getting ready, thanks for calling me. You can stop over here when you're ready and we can just walk to my truck from there."
"Alright sounds good, see you then. Bye." He tapped the end call button and placed the phone back on the end table.
"Rachel I'm assuming?" I asked. "Yup, just calling to make sure I'm getting ready which I need to start doing right now unfortunately." He replied, rolling off the bed as well. I tried not to make eye contact with the distinct bulge in his boxers but after being somewhat aroused I wasn't shy to take a few sneak peeks. Shaking the mental image from my head I pulled my phone from my pocket and went about checking my various social media, glancing up to see the wolf struggling to pick out an outfit for the night.
"You're not going to some millionaire's mansion Jasper, doesn't have to be anything fancy. It's just a normal college party right?" I questioned.
"Yeah it is but I still want to look decent you know?" He replied pulling a sharp black tuxedo vest from the closet.
"Think this'll go together okay?" He asked me. Glancing up I saw him holding up a rich purple undershirt with the black vest.
"I think it looks fine, you might be a little overdressed but there's nothing wrong with that." I told him. He frowned slightly at my statement before holding them up to himself again. A knock at our door caused us both to turn our heads in that direction.
"Who is it?" I called out.
"Who else would it be?" The distinct familiar female voice sounded out.
"Come in!" Jasper shouted, turning back to his closet. The female vulpine pulled the door open and stepped inside, wearing a pair of tight blue jeans and a loose fitting stylish tank top, hair done up nicely for the party.
"You look really really good Rachel." I told her honestly.
"Aww thanks Elijah! What's taking your boyfriend so long?" She asked impatiently gesturing to the wolf who was grumbling to himself as he held up various shirt combinations.
"Oh you mean mister fashion diva over there? He can't decide what he wants to the party and he's going to end up overdressing." I explained. She sighed and shook her head, walking to the gray lupine and plucking both button up shirts he was holding up and placing them back on their respective hangers.
"Jasper, we're not going out to dinner, it's a party." She started, pushing a few articles of clothing around before pulling off a simple tight fitting dark blue v-neck t-shirt and handing it to the wolf.
"Put that on with some dark pants and you'll be fine, trust me." She instructed him. He pulled a fresh pair of jeans out of his drawer in response and pulled the shirt over his head. Next he pulled the pants on and did a quick turn. I will admit, the outfit looked great on him and I found myself ogling over him.
"Alright enough with the fashion show, I understand the term fashionably late but I'd rather not be those people." The fox exclaimed.
"Alright alright let's go." The wolf said before briskly walking towards me and giving me a quick peck on the cheek, turning and following after the impatient russet fox. I stared happily at the door as it closed, laying back on the bed and resting my eyes.
Aaaaand that's a wrap everybody! Somewhat short but I didn't want to open that can of worms coming up juuuuust yet. I'll let you guys think on that for a bit, these next few chapters are going to be a very rocky ride, and you're all along for that ride! Anyways I gotta go do other dog stuff so Imma get going, hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you all next time! :D