Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 12: Shockingly Good Old Time!

"that bird is madder than a hornet right now, we need to send out our pokémon and try to knock out that zapdos."

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The Wastes- Chapter 6: New Problems, Old Friends

He shot him three more times for good measure, and with each shot, his rage and fury boiled though like a red rushing cloud of hornets, spreading down his arms and being translated out through the barrel of the weapon.

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The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Twenty One

Some poor wolf hornet touched this before anything else did, and now it lives in here." he flicked the pendant, making it swing back and forth. "it still works like any other moon shard, though.

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A Night behind the trenches

I crawled a little closer in the muddy earth since it started raining heavily a few minutes ago to seek what poor cover i could possibly get from enemy fire that whipped through the air like hostile hornets.

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Raven Wolf - Book 01 - Chapter 09

"no doubt by now the military has told her that i attacked and betrayed them... she's probably as mad as a hornet, if she finds me the first thing she'll do is hurt me, i exaggerate not." yula turn back around calling out to them.

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A Night to Forget Pt. 2: The Game of Life

Tevassa's entire conversation was still ringing around in my skull mockingly like an agitated hornet's nest. it all made some degree of sense, and i didn't have to ask anybody to clarify.

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Where I Was

I bend my knees slightly and then jump up, swatting my hand toward the little hornets. i miss, not like i was in range to hit them anyway, and land back on the ground with a resounding boom.

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The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Forty Three

When he'd pierced, he had allowed his hands to develop some of the wolf hornet's mucus secreting glands, so he was able to cling to the side of the boulder as if gravity weren't pulling on him at all.

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Shadow Stalkers: Thymion Pt. 18

It would not do to kick the hornet's nest, especially when said hornets were protected by a much bigger, much nastier species that could eat her people alive in a day or less without even going anywhere near them.

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I am a Soldier

They needed to withdraw soon and hunker down somewhere for protection, or else get caught in the hornet's nest. "i've got somethin' new on my scopes," goose called out suddenly, the edge in his voice putting dirk on high alert.

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Trailblazer Part 12

Mig-29's and 21's fly with f-22's, eagle-15's, falcon 16's, hornet 18's race in the martian atmosphere and deliver bomb strikes and strafing runs on the ground below as the few a-10's make short work of enemy defenses and fortifications.

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The Promotion

But as if the situation could not get any worse, more magic: blazing missiles erupted from the confines of her cloak, soaring to the sky like angry hornets before erupting with sound-shattering cracks.

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