Raven Wolf - Book 01 - Chapter 09
#9 of Raven Wolf - Novel
Raven Wolf - The Wilds - Chapter Nine
Raven Wolf - The Wilds - Chapter Nine
Dolly stands in Teddy's apartment, everything in it trashed from when he had been attacked last night. She slowly looks everything over, the call that had woken her this morning had been startling. A member of the military had phoned her to tell her that her brother had gone missing. She didn't believe them at first and had come here to see for herself, and now that she was here the reality of the situation was sinking in.
An upset look fills her face, she had spoken to Teddy that very night, not that long before this incident had happened to him. "Teddy... what happened to you... where could you have gone?"
Dolly is brought back to reality, her mind again having wandered back to the moment she had looked over the scene that her brothers abduction had taken place in. She looking back towards the person that had spoken, she right now sitting at a table across from General Mort.
Mort begins to question her. "Are you alright? Do you need some more time to think this through before we start?"
Dolly looks from Mort to the chair next to her where Zack Magellan right now sat with an impatient look on his face, Dolly looking back to Mort not wanting to take up any more time than needed. "No I'll be fine. You said you have information on my brother, I want to know what it is."
Zack lets out a tired sigh while Mort begins speaking, he getting right to the point. "To put it simply, last night a plan was put into motion, and it yielded unexpected results." He looks to Zack. "Explain the situation as you know it Magellan."
Zack frowns not really looking forward to that. "I was only following orders, what happened to Teddy wasn't my fault."
Dolly looks over to Zack. "This plan the General mentioned has something to do with what happened to Teddy last night?"
Zack nods his head as he tries to explain. "I didn't know she would go after him like she did! She was supposed to just run away, not attack Teddy and go after subject 1502."
Dolly seems even more troubled, she recognizing that number as the test subject she had been appointed to watch over not that long ago. "Yula is involved in this too?"
Mort speaks up, Zack too busy trying to defend himself to explain the situation properly. "Two weeks ago an operation was executed, our goal was to capture the leader of Raven Wolf. Unfortunately the operation did not go as smoothly as we had hoped and he managed to get away, our work did not go unrewarded though as we managed to capture his daughter instead."
Mort looks back to Zack, Zack sighing as he looks back to Dolly, taking General Mort's angry frown as a clear sign that he was meant to finish the explanation. "We questioned her on the whereabouts of her father and the rest of her tribe, but she wouldn't give us the information we wanted. So General Mort thought that we would have to get the information from her in a different way. Yesterday we received the approval to inject a tracking chip under her skin, and she was unknowingly fitted with a tracker as soon as possible. Shortly after that, I created an opening that she would take to escape. She was supposed to lead us straight to her father and the rest of her pack... but the plan went completely off the rails as soon as she got out of the building."
"The subject went straight after Teddy, and after subduing him got him to take her to test subject #1502. I'm sure you're familiar with that particular subject right now. Anyway, the military's plan completely changed after that, originally we were to stay low and let her escape so she could return to her tribe, but with her taking 1502 we couldn't let that happen, we needed to get him back. Unfortunately there was little we could actually do against them, we didn't want to wound either subject, I mean those two were more precious to us than the hostages she had with her were, long story short with Teddy's help she got through our defences and took 1502 with her."
A look of disbelief fills Dolly's face. "You're saying Teddy helped the very person that abducted him?"
Zack nods his head. "Yeah... I may or may not have shot him a few times to get him to stop... depending on how angry information like that will make you."
Dolly glares over at Zack yelling angrily at him. "You shot my brother!?"
Zack looks to the side. "I see that this is making you angry, so I'm going to go with I didn't and it was someone else."
General Mort speaks up as he begins to justify Magellan's action. "Magellan had no choice, Conner attacked us and wounded several of my men, Magellan was acting as the situation called for it."
Dolly looks back to Mort, this information not very welcoming to hear, Mort continuing. "If he was being forced to attack us under some threat of that wild, or if he did it of his own free will is yet to be known."
Dolly thinks the information over. "So then he's still with her?"
Zack holds his hands behind his head. "We'll soon find out, remember the wild has a tracker under her skin, so we can find her no problem. It's handling her that's going to be difficult, she abducted three people last night. Your brother, Professor Eve Cadrey who is a scientist that works heavily in the project 1502 relates to, and of course the one that's making this situation the most problematic, subject #1502."
Dolly sighs to herself, she starting to see how this may have played out. "My brother has played guardian to subject #1502 for seven years. If he felt that Yula was in danger he would have acted in whatever means was necessary to protect him. That's probably why he attacked like he did, and why he has not yet returned on his own, because he is protecting Yula." She shakes her head. "Understandably Teddy should have known that the most sensible thing to do would have been to take Yula back, but he may have not been able to do so in that situation because the wild was involved." She looks back to Mort. "My brother is the type to sympathise to someone's plight rather quickly... if you leave him with her too long he will come to side with her, especially if her story is of her just trying to get home to return to her father."
Zack crosses his arms. "So you're saying that your brother's a traitor?"
Dolly shakes her head. "Not intentionally... he is just much too kind hearted."
Zack lets out an amused chuckled. "Kind hearted, you think that's what it is? Me and Teddy have been the guards of this subject for two weeks now, if you saw the way he looks at that feisty little white number you'd know that he's got a thing for her. I'm sure he would be more than happy to betray us for the chance to be her obedient little lapdog."
Dolly frowns as she looks back to Zack, if that was the case or not meant little. "I can't really say that we can label him as a traitor, even if he has indeed decided to help her... I mean... you want this woman to go back home as to lead you to her father and the rest of her pack correct? If Teddy was helping her he would, in essence, be helping you out too wouldn't he?"
Mort nods his head. "As convenient as that would be for us there is still the problem of subject 1502 and Professor Cadrey, whom like your brother, were never supposed to be involved in this incident in the first place."
Dolly looks back to General Mort, she knowing one thing for a fact. "If Teddy is with them than he will without a doubt see to it that neither of them are harmed."
General Mort nods his head understanding that. "And if by chance he sees the military as a something that may cause them harm when we try to get them back?"
Dolly lowers her gaze, she guessing what that might lead to. "Then he will put up a fight. If you do intend to bring both the subject and the professor back then I ask you do proceed so cautiously, I do not wish to trigger my brother into becoming an enemy."
General Mort continues to question her. "And if that happens? If he indeed becomes an enemy, will you be able to fight against him?"
Dolly nods her head yes. "I am not afraid to attack and subdue my brother, and yes if the situation reaches the point where nothing can be done and I am left with no option, I can bring him down where he stands."
Zack lets out a chuckle. "How cold of you, I don't think that even I could do that to a sibling of mine. Must be a wild thing, right?"
Dolly look back to Zack, it not a cold as it sounded. "Teddy and I hold a strong respect for one another, if I were to stray with no way of finding my way back, he would do the same for me."
Zack shrugs his shoulders."It still sounds like something a merciless wild would do."
General Mort looks back to Dolly. "I want you to assist Magellan in getting Professor Cadrey, Subject #1502, the Raven Wolf leader and hopefully your brother back here safely. You know your brother better than anyone else, as well as you have some experience when it comes to dealing with subject #1502, you'll know how to deal with them to make this situation the most favourable to us."
"You're putting me back on the field?"
"I believe for all the parties involved in this incident it is in my best interest to."
Zack makes an annoyed frown, working with Teddy had been one thing, as Teddy would let Zack get away with saying anything he wanted, Dolly on the other hand was never someone that got along with him, and took almost everything he said as offensive. "General Mort is this really necessary? I'm think I'm capable of leading this operation on my own."
General Mort looks over to Magellan. "You're a good soldier, but I don't trust you to work on your own no matter what the operation, you know that."
Zack frowns at him, Mort ignoring the action as he begins to explain the situation. "As much as I am against subject #1502 being out of his confines we are going to let subject #2800356 continue on her way to her pack. If we attack her before she reaches her destination it may clue into her that we are tracking her, and she may not return home as we planned. You seem confident in Mr. Conner's ability to keep subject #1502 and Miss. Cadrey safe, so we will take your word for it."
Dolly nods her head understanding the instructions while General Mort continues. "When they have reached their destination we will take back the hostages at the same time we capture Raven Wolf's leader. Until then you and Magellan are to prepare for this objective, as well as observe the party until they reach their destination, just to be on the safe side, after all we wouldn't want anything happening to subject #1502 before we are able to get him back."
Dolly looks back to Mort, there another concern on her mind in regards to all of this. "General Mort, if you do not mind me asking, why exactly are you trying to capture Raven Wolf's leader? You're going through a lot of trouble to get this objective done."
Mort closes his eyes, he choosing not to discuss that subject. "That information is classified Miss. Conner."
Teddy looks out as his surroundings, fields of long grass and rolling hills all that he could see. He looks over to Iuana who is also gazing over her surrounding searching for any threat that may show itself to them.
Teddy approaches her, confronting her with some concerns that he had. "The fact that it was so easy for us to make it out of the city is making me uneasy."
Iuana glares back over at Teddy. "I saw nothing easy about last night!"
Teddy holds his hand to himself. "Look, I'm a member of the military! I know the precautions that would have been taken in the event that happened last night, but none of that protocol was followed, it was a mess! Then there's the fact that we've seen no sign of the military since then, that's bothering me as well."
Iuana stares back at him. "You're just looking for an excuse to not leave and follow me around. What do you want from me? Payback for attacking you in your own home?"
Teddy hangs his shoulders. "It's nothing like that, I just can't leave knowing that Yula and you will be in danger." He frowns at the reminder of the fight that had taken place in his home. "I will admit though... you did manage to break some pretty expensive things... and that TV you smashed into was only six weeks old..."
Iuana turns away from him heading back towards the two other members of their group, they both sleeping, tired from all the running and panic from that night. "Get up we've rested long enough! We want to stay ahead of any pursuers we might have."
Yula lets out a tired grumble while Eve gives an aggravated groan. "Come on! We're not used to all this physical activity like you and Teddy are! Give us a little more time!"
Iuana growls at the fox. "I have no problem leaving you behind!"
Eve frowns at the comment. "Look... Iuana was it? Me and Mr. Conner have been looking after subject 1502-"
Iuana speaks up, she insulted every time someone called Yula by that number. "Stop calling him that! His name is Yula!!"
Eve lets out a loud sigh. "Fine, Me and Mr. Conner have been looking after Yula for years, five for me and Seven for Mr. Conner. We know and understand him and his needs better than anyone. Now think for a moment, what exactly do you know about him other then the fact that you recognize his name and appearance?"
Iuana's ears fall back against her head, she a little embarrassed. Eve was right, she didn't know anything Yula. "Well... I..."
Eve crosses her arms. "Look you can go and do whatever you want, I don't care. My only concern is Yula's wellbeing."
Iuana looks away from Eve and back to Yula, who had fallen asleep almost as soon as he had been woken. Clearly he was very worn out. "Just what exactly did you people do to him to make him this frail!? I've never seen someone so fragile in my life."
Teddy walks up to Iuana. "Well, I would think that being locked up in a room for three hundred years played a pretty big part towards that... but you can't really blame that entirely on me and Eve... that project is around three hundred years old, the two of us haven't been alive that long even if you put our ages together."
Iuana sighs to herself. "Ok I admit... so I have no clue as to what I've gotten myself into." She look back to Yula who is still continuing to sleep. "But I couldn't do nothing when I knew he was being held captive there."
Eve walks over to Teddy looking the wounds that he had gotten over. "You know... I'm not a doctor, but I really think you should have those taken care of if you want to keep from being infected."
Teddy nods his head aware of that. "Yeah I know, but I don't really have the supplies to do that. I was kind of attacked and forced out of my own home. I didn't really have time to prepare, I was actually kind of napping at the time."
Eve takes a closer look at the wounds. "It looks like you managed to stop the bleeding and that's good, but still, if you don't clean and cover them it's going to be problematic." She takes off her laboratory coat, although it wasn't very clean because of the fighting they had just been through it was the best she had to work with, she beginning to tear some strips of fabric out of it to use as dressing to cover his wounds. "At the least we need to cover them so that nothing else will get in there."
Teddy looks the group over while Eve wraps the torn pieces of fabric from her coat around his wounds. "So Iuana, what's your plan now that we've managed to get out of the city?"
Iuana looks back to Teddy, she of course knowing the answer to that one. "We go home to where my pack and my father are."
Teddy crosses his arms letting out a tired sigh. "Great... head straight towards the cursed tribe..."
Eve frowns as she turns toward Teddy. "You don't believe in that nonsense do you?"
Teddy shrugs his shoulders. "I try not to, but sometimes it's hard to do when your parents are wilds and are always telling you stories of that sort."
Iuana looks the both of them over. "It is not a fairytale meant to frighten! It is the truth! My tribe is cursed and has been so for hundreds of years." She clenches her hands into fists. "And because we cannot rid these lands of the domestics our curse will never be lifted." She shakes her head. "Maybe in the past, when they were still new to this land did we have a chance... but now... with how their numbers and cities have grown... it's impossible..."
Teddy tilts his head to the side changing the topic. "Alright then, where is this home of yours? And how long will it take to get there?"
Iuana turns to the north pointing in its direction. "It is a six day walk in that direction."
Eve is surprised to hear this. "Six day walk? Why that's not very far at all... I mean... when you take into consideration the vehicles the military has at its disposal... I'm surprised this village of yours manages to keep under the radar."
Iuana looks back to her. "My home is well protected from the eyes of its enemies, my father sees to that."
She looks back to Yula once more they having had enough rest, her voice raised as she tries once again to wake him. "Do you want to get caught and sent back to live in a tiny room for the rest of your life!? Cause if you don't you had better wake up, get to your feet and start traveling!"
Yula grumbles in protest, he too tired and soar to keep moving, Teddy siding with Iuana as he joins her in trying to convince Yula to move. "Come on Yula to your feet, you can rest again latter but right now we need to gain some more distance from our pursuers."
Yula reluctantly pushes himself to his feet as he begins trudging forward, Teddy grabbing onto his shoulder and gently turning him in the right direction. "It's this way Yula, if you go in that direction you'll just head straight back to the city we came from."
Eve watches as Yula slowly trudges after Iuana. "At the speed he's moving the military is going to catch up to us." She looks back to Teddy concerned. "So, how do you plan on explaining your actions to the military now? For me it would be easy enough, but you actually attacked them when trying to escape. Even went head to head with one of them!"
Teddy nods his head aware of what he had done, he had acted upon instinct without thinking, he had completely forgotten about any complications to himself, the only thing on his mind was protecting Yula and Iuana "I'm not sure how I'm going to explain myself either... but I've been a so called 'guard dog' for seven years now, I couldn't help but react when the ones I was given the job of protecting were in danger."
Eve begins moving forward following Iuana as well. "You know your sister is probably worried sick about you."
Teddy shakes his head no. "No doubt by now the military has told her that I attacked and betrayed them... she's probably as mad as a hornet, if she finds me the first thing she'll do is hurt me, I exaggerate not."
Yula turn back around calling out to them. "Hurry up Teddy I don't want to leave you behind! You too professor!"
Eve lets out a loud tired sigh. "Honestly... the troublesome situation that he has put the two of us in is the last thing on his mind. Is he even aware of how much we're risking to help him like this?"
"Probably not." Both her and Teddy begin to follow behind Yula and Iuana not wanting to be left behind. "Though I have to admit, it's good to see him out of that facilely."
Eve looks to Iuana who right now walks along side Yula, trying to hurry the sleepy wolf along. "Never in my life did I think Subject- ... I mean... Yula would have family... I just assumed that he had no one... that his family was gone and he no longer had relations of any kind... I never would have guessed that the military would have forcefully taken him from his people." She seems upset. "Boy am I ever naive. I mean it never said anything in his records on how exactly he was required... but I never even stopped for a moment to think about it or second guess."
She frowns looking ahead of her. "Although I guess the most surprising thing is his so called sister's appearance. Now I don't deny that Yula might have family out there but her? His fur coat is as black as night and hers is as white as snow! They look nothing or even act like the other!"
Teddy folds his arms behind his head. "She knew his name, and even described his appearance to me before seeing him. So even if they aren't related like she says they are she without a doubt knows and remembers him."
Eve makes a mean frowns. "Well there's no denying that she knows him, but for being related, I bet she made all that up just so that you would sympathise with her! She knew you had a sister after all right?"
Teddy thinks the comment over. "I guess... that could be possible."
Eve lets out a grown as she stares back at Iuana. "I bet I'm right! You can never trust the white furred beauties! They'll say anything to get what they want and can get away with anything they do just because people think that white fur is the prettiest! I honestly don't see the appeal that everyone else does!"
Teddy stares at Eve confused, not sure as to why she was suddenly ranting like this. "... I... uh... what?"
Eve glares back at him. "Oh don't deny it! You like it too! That's why you're so willing to follow her around like a love sick little puppy!" She stares back at Iuana. "That manipulative little-"
Teddy tries to force a smile. "You seem to really dislike white fur... is there any real reason for that? I mean both times I've seen you rant about it no one had even said anything to bring it up."
Eve lets out another angered growl. "It's not just the colour white! It's wolves too!" Teddy steps back, he a wolf after all, Eve quickly correcting herself. "Ok... well maybe just white wolves, and not even really white wolves just her!! As for why, that's none of your business!" She thinks back to an event that had happened several years back that had triggered this loathing.
Fitz looks up from a magazine he has been reading. "You're asking me out?"
Eve nods her head. "Yeah you heard me right! I think the two of us should go out. I mean, sure we don't have a lot in common, but you how the saying goes, opposites attract right?"
Fitz puts the magazine he is reading down. "Are you kidding me!? Have you even stopped to consider that you're putting my pride as a man at stake by taking the incentive like that!?
Eve frowns slamming her hands down on the table. "Look, I know it's supposed to be the other way around, where the guy asks the girl out, but honestly you've given me no choice. I mean I've been doing all the flirty little hints and you still haven't said a thing!"
Fitz looks at her, not really sure what to say at first, he eventually speaking up. "Did you ever maybe think... that the reason I never said anything... was because I wasn't interested in you?"
Eve glares back at him. "I don't see how that's possible! You're single aren't you? And you've been that way since I knew you as a kid! At the age you are now Fitz never being in a relationship is just sad! Obviously you have issues with approaching girls and asking them out, another reason why I've decided it best to take the situation into my own hands."
Fitz looks nervously to the side. "I'm single because I choose to be actually." He looks back to Eve with a smile. "My heart has already been stolen by the prettiest little white wolf I have ever seen in my life!" He turns around his eyes lighting up, his heart on his chest pounding as he begins to explain. "It was while I was out on one of my treasure hunting quests, I was about to get my hands one of the most priceless artefacts that I had seen in a long time, but just when I was about to get it the tribe that protected said object intervened on my adventure." He sighs at the thought. "And that's when I saw the one, standing among the pack of wolves with fur as white as freshly fallen snow, for a moment I forgot what was going on, it was as if an angel was standing before me!"
Eve crosses her arms looking annoyed while Fitz continues. "I couldn't take my eyes off of such a perfect creature Eve! It was like I was in heaven! From that moment I knew! We were meant to be together!" He looks back to Eve. "Even though my snow white beauty attacked me as I made off with the priceless treasure they were trying to protect!"
Eve glares back at him. "You what!?"
Fitz nods his head. "Yup! If fact it's being held right here in this very museum as an exhibit!" He sighs again thinking back. "After that... my mind nor heart could ever wander to any other. The snow white beauty whom attacked me had stolen my heart, just as I had stolen their precious artefact from them and their people."
Eve growls angrily at him. "What! You just looked at this person once and you decided that you had an unbreakable love for them!?"
Eve yells out in anger. "I hate stupid little perfectly white snow white wolves!!"
Teddy, Yula and Iuana all stop walking as they take a moment to look back to her, Eve storming ahead of them. "Come on!! We're walking here aren't we?"