On the Road...er...Water
He tapped a button on the screen, and the hologram of aurelia disappeared. the hologram scene in the small room became much more elaborate, with a holographic audience, a stage, and a judge who sat on one side of the stage.
Rendezvous, Part Two
The hologram spun slowly, giving them a view of the confederation's borders from multiple angles. and, in a mottled grey pattern, its surly neighbor.
found you
"it's him roi. 2 miles due east and he's moving south-" she looks up then back at the hologram"-fast." "understood, i'll be there soon. you head him off and stall for as long s you can. roi out."
The Legendary Crystal Beast Deck
The holograms disappeared and i ran after him. once i caught up with him. i grabbed him by the shoulder. trayvon turned around. i asked "what the hell was that man?" in a upset tone. "it wasn't your time to lose".
Hitchhikers (Anthro Dragon TF)
The hologram shimmered, and with a cracking sound, disappeared, plunging the room back into darkness. "queen, huh?" kendra asked herself as she walked out of the spacecraft. walking towards her is jaz who seems to be mostly adjusted to her new body.
Understanding Wreck (Otherwise Untitled)
~ with a soft tap at the terminals controls, the ghostly blue hologram of a old turkey vulture shivered into view next to the captain's seat. he looked to the badger, and then to the bluejay, before giving a shrug of his wings.
A Dream Chp: 14 The Animal Inside
I feel hands wrap around me and pull me off of him before i look up and notice everything fading into one of the hologram rooms that i was allowed to play around in before. "where is rose?"
A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 35-The Tide Of War
The room was bustling with soldiers and intelligence officer's gathered around hologram's and computers. some of the people were almost asleep while other's looked like they had a little to much coffee.
The Legendary Crystal Beast Deck
The holograms disappeared and i ran after him. once i caught up with him. i grabbed him by the shoulder. trayvon turned around. i asked "what the hell was that man?" in a upset tone. "it wasn't your time to lose".
Chewy: Leon's Dream Pt.3
The holograms disappeared..., "i see why you brought me here... we have to rescue your brother, if he is able to take his powers, he will be able to create an alternate future filled to his neck in darkness!"
Cosmic Stars - Chapter Ten
Captain redding checked the damage himself with the central hologram. "captain redding," a familiar voice said over the intercom. "head to velmaria and abandon your ship."
File #16
"there are computer files for every member of the warrior crew... damn... they are all holograms!" "not holograms..." replied a strange, eerie voice coming from all around them.