
Age: 2 gender: male guardian(s): teddy observations: child shows signs of sexual deviance and possible abuse. no sign of progress on previously reported behavioral issues.

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A Jewel in the Ruff Chapter 9

Exhaling her tension, looked over to her friend and said, "well, alex...i think suffers from gender dysphoria and-" "jewel, she's a herm. she has both genders."

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Archethal Species Datasheet

Known genders: male, female. strength: species has shown capability to lift in excess of 150 kg. average for sapient life. speed: average top speed of 38 kph. record sprint max 59.87 kph.

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Third Official Character Fea

Even a herm but prefurs her original gender likes: she loves meat and food, training, foraging, hunting, cooking, reading, and survival situations origins/background:was born to a couple that owned a farm and was raised to respect nature and her parents


Warm Hearts, Warm Hugs (Short)

Here's a lovely short of a wonderful moment of gender euphoria they experience with their supportive boyfriend vulcan. enjoy, and happy non-binary people's day! you're valid and loved, no matter your gender or presentation.

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Just Once: Side Stories: Body-Positive

Identity, and the fact that i didn't conform to people's bullshit gender roles.

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A Dream Realized 2

"we each got the opposite gender. that's all." rose shrugged and glanced down as orin yawned. "glad to see you are finally awake mr. sleepy. orin looked up at her and blinked a couple times at the light. "vee."

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A Different Kind of Costume Party (Pokemon TF/TG)

Not only that, my gender had swapped in the process, making me a female wigglytuff through and through. there was another aspect i hadn't taken into account after the costume fused with my new body, the mind.

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Tale of Planet Omega 2064

Males, females, herms and those without any gender or no known gender all decided it was time to give the domed cities their demands.

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Fifth official character

Undone, dirty little animals, welcome to the playground, i like it heavy, dance with the devil, daughters of darkness, fallen angel race: ancent natural elemental dragon, hellhound(aka cerburus offspring), demon slime gender:female but can change gender

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Bio-Morph FAQ 1

The virus only contains their dna merged with that of the desired breed and gender.

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