Zero - The Story of the silent Hero – Chapter 21 - Bright Eyes
The kricketune moved his arm to his mouth and began to play or just doing so as the music was playing a flute. next it disappeared slowly in the wall and mila heard emil´s voice. he was singing.
November Challenge #1: What Replaces Talent?
Steadiness was replaced with abruptness, a darting flute breaking through the steady song, and, and, and - the list of rules threatened to peck her throat shut forever with its hundred-plus entries.
The Sun's Funeral
Like sleepwalkers who see their way without the aid of eyes they marched their softly leaden feet around the slow internal beat of low flute, wild and bittersweet as when the evening dies.
Amaterasu Drained
Two small green ones used flutes, while a larger yellow one carried a drum. amaterasu launched into battle without a seconds hesitation. in the fight with the two green imps, she took several blows to her face and body, but it was not enough to stop her.
Valkyrie - Book 1 - Chapter 3 - The Girl (Revised Edition)
Almost as if it was being played by a flute, it was both beautiful and sad at the same time.
Power Fur Rangers- Episode 18
He took out his fur flute dagger and placed the tip towards the mouth portion of his helmet. the knowledge of how to play the flute filled his mind as if it was second nature to him.
Power Fur Rangers- Episode 22
He was instantly transported outside the base and he removed his fur flute dagger from a holster. "time for the green dragon zord!" the green power fur ranger said. he placed the tip towards the mouth portion of his helmet.
Down The Stream
Music helped plants grow, and snakes were fascinated by flute playing in general. rakim even noticed that the music that mnemos was playing for her soma sounded like snake charming music.
Downstream Portland
He reaches down into his pant leg and gets out a silver flute. "i'm a four-year flutist. my dad made me sign up to play some sort of instruments. what better than to play something easy to play as well as easy to turn into a weapon."
That pan flute he mentioned was a gift that he gave to him at a young age, and he's treasured it since.
As he heard the flute played by his sister and the singular drum played by his father, he realized what culture truly meant- no matter what the future held for him, this coyote would always be a tutchone.
Deus Ex Machina
Of course, the grand bazaar to the south of it was rather more spectacular - a great, sprawling structure made up of multi-tiered buildings supported by fluted marble columns, tied together by winding staircases, elevated walkways, shaded rest-spots and broad