He replayed what he just saw, and barely saw the dust. it didn't really even look like dust, just the lights behind it were more faded for a moment.
Alien, Arctic Fox, Barren, Exploration, Science Fiction, Soldiers, Spiral Nebula, Story Progression, Story Series, Wolf, captain, pine marten, planet
Every surface was covered in soot and dust. moving further into the house and slid the next door open. on the right side of the room was a futon pressed into the corner, dust covering the pillows.
Armour, Camp, Cobra, Cougar, Destruction, Dragon, Ferain, Fox, Keelya, Rebellion, Sakari, Shack, Snake, Staff, Sword, Village, Vixen, Wolf, Wolfess, Zerataph, bow, katana, mountain lion, spirit, world
As he moved each document great swirls of dust danced in the air. dust motes began intruding up borrlo's nose, "aaaachoooo!"
rollo hardly looked up from his stack of books as he addressed the young mole. "you've got a cold coming?" asked rollo.
Fanfiction, Redwall
The clean light blue tiles sprouted a thick layer of dust. certain tiles cracked and shattered like it was a frail piece of glass. the dust spread out and covered everything like a virus working its way through the body.
Magic, coming of age, reality altering
Trudging back to the boulder that had protected her, imogene probed in the dust for her rifle. she found it, and sat down heavily to inspect the weapon.
Caribou, Military, Moon, Reindeer, Sci-Fi, Space, War
In a shower of dust and rocky debris, raiyev successfully broke through to the other side.
just as he was dusting himself off and looking around at the new corridor he had broken into, a loud, raucous alarm sounded.
Macro, Raccoon, Sci-Fi