ferain said loudly to be heard over the sharp ring of metal on metal.
the cobra dipped the finished metal into a vat of water before lifting the dark tinted goggles. "ferain." he nodded. "who'sss thisss?"
Armour, Camp, Cobra, Cougar, Destruction, Dragon, Ferain, Fox, Keelya, Rebellion, Sakari, Shack, Snake, Staff, Sword, Village, Vixen, Wolf, Wolfess, Zerataph, bow, katana, mountain lion, spirit, world
Is ferain with you?" she asked quickly.
"i"m here." ferain smiled as he came from around the shed. "keelya couldn't wait to see you, ran through the whole town looking for you, she did."
Clean, Cougar, Cub, Family, Ferain, Fox, Keelya, No Yiff, Sakari, Vixen, Wolf, Wolfess, child, epilogue, farmer, mountain lion