Waiting for Rescue (Otherwise Untitled)

~ slinking back towards breakfast, the bunny consoles herself, "another day without the need for pants."

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Future Sanctuary - Chapter 1: Fireball

She turns back to her console, her worry changing to determination, and flipping up a cover grabs a handle on the floor next to her console, with a grunt and a slow and steady pull she drags it backwards towards her.

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Adventures of Kota Rello part 1

The holographic projectors would give him feeds from all of the other consoles, or pull up more detailed information from a single console.

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Star Trek: Warrior - Book Two - "Atlantis"

Yusa rushed off the console to join him, leaving his tricorder sat on the top of the console. when he reached where muraco was standing, he looked up in shock.

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Chapter 2: Accidental Discovery

She could see holographic controls floating in the air over the console. as she looked closer she seen a bunch of signs that made no sense to her at all. to her it looked like someone let a cub loose on the console with a marker.

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Episode 1B: Shakedown

Harry asked as he got out of his chair and then walked up to the navigation console. jack glanced back down at his console. "the loran expanse. i figured you'd like some room to see what this ship can do."

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One World

"ok, i'm gonna call the rest of the team," i said pressing on the console.

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File #4 - "Test Your Metal"

Zant looked possibly overwhelmed as he rushed over the tactical console. the warrior was only supposed to be on a test run and was running with a skeleton crew.

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Erika - Shattered Glass

The control room was small with only a commander chair in the middle, a console at the front of the ship and two consoles both left and right.

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Crew Mate Introductions

Samuel looked up from the console and took off his glasses. "wrong room, pal, the bathrroo was a left at the bulkhead not a right."

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Hull Breach (Otherwise Untitled)

The synth let go of the console, realizing the gravity had failed in this section, snatching the fire extinguisher from its nook with his feet as he turned in place.

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The Story of Captain Padfoot, Part 2

Suddenly i feel the chair start to vibrate and move a little, but then after a couple of seconds the chair becomes calm again and really extremely comfortable, i activate the com on the left console.

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