Flares Bells (Welded Sunset)
The wolf frame leaned in, a paw pinning the flare launcher into the retracted position, while reah's diagnostics confirmed a catastrophic chronometer failure.
Lonely Oak Chapter 111 - Forgiveness Versus Reconciliation
"isn't there like, a disease or something," she said, slowing down more on the next arc, "where, like, you do something to cause a catastrophe, just so you can come in and save it like a super-hero?" "i think it starts with _munch_."
The Chronicler of the Library
Unfortunately, catastrophe struck. caelum's royal oracles warned the king of an impending, unnatural winter lasting four seasons.
Chapter 6: The Great One Incarnate
"a plasma blaster is the most lethal hand held weapon that was ever made by my people; you can cut scores of the enemy down in a single blast, we thought they were all destroyed during the great catastrophe." she replied.
Chapter 3: A Grand Re-union
If they overload, which is what happened on the fury, the amount of power they would build up would tear it apart in a catastrophic explosion." said galinoth. "well then we'll meet you back at the temple then." cynder said.
Red Riding Hood and the Wolf meet again
Part of me expected the director to come out and cancel the catastrophe, but that same voice broke the silence once more. "and who says that!" he said in a brash tone. "uh?" "is there really someone here to tell us who to be?
The Story Behind the Slaughter
These greatly ranged in scale, but when it was bad, catastrophic events followed. i was horrifically destructive. i was never like this when i was calm. i reminded myself of the character of the incredible hulk; one minute bruce banner, a very nice guy.
All People Great and Small | Chapter 4
Star's mess was catastrophic as it was spread to every region of her diaper because of the beaver's knee percussion accompaniment. star squirmed and shuddered as utter humiliation and infantile feelings rushed through her.
Professor Will Not Face Charges for Sophomoric Acts
**professor will not face charges for sophomoric acts across time** _may fourth, los angeles_ professor albert rosen will apparently not be facing charges over what his critics call "an inconceivably stupid and catastrophically dangerous series of decisions
Wayfinder's Journals (1)
In the case of a larger catastrophe, or the event that the monarchs died without heirs or their child simply too young for the throne, one of the other nobles of ocala was to rise to the throne. he was intentionally vague on how one noble (of the many!)
The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Thirty Five
It was their way of preventing another catastrophe like the one rayalga had caused.
Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 27
It was the taste of good, honest work, work that would save the only real son she had left, work that would somehow fix this catastrophe of a family. with ander gone, all that remained was kadai. she would have to do something about him.