Unlikely Alliance- Chapter 15

I suppose it could be very likely that i'm misreading what i get from his behavior though it might be because i don't really have any experience in how being a human's pokemon would be so much different.

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The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid War, Contact and Assesment

They would be of no use dead. altogether many thousands of samples & specimens were collected. each would be carefully examined, and it would be determined which would be the most useful to help prepare the world for colonization.

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Seas Be Ours - Chapter 5

Any black colors be flyin' and well..." "pirates," jess finished for him. "means we fight or run and since we don't have a large enough crew to fight, we run." "aye! and if there be any other color flyin' than yer guess be good as mine.

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Time used to be a factor in silence. time used to be silence in the dark. time used to be darkness in what i thought was love. time used to be the key to my heart.

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Consortium 1-2: Chekov's Gun Chapter 3

If there is anyone else needed to be in the know he'll be able to tell them. if it's a public message it'll be easy for everyone to know all at the same time.

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"if you care about people, and if you care about your efforts being fruitful, then stop worrying about being a guardian dragon and just be a guardian dragon. i know you can still be the acorech that you used to be." nine months went by.

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Dreamless Nights

To be like them, what would it take? i have to be up early tomorrow, hunt for more cases. a mountain of cases, is that what i am? is that all there is? what would be different if the rangers weren't here? how would the city be different?


The Charred Legacy - Chapter 1 - The Therian

Goddamn animals...." and as the words were said the being watched the family fade away again as they began to come to terms of being alone again...

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Pokemon Story - Brothers till the End of Time

I don't want to be rich. i'm not asking for precious minerals to be filling our mines. i'd be okay with mining iron. all i want is for the lively-hood of my family and town to be brought back. i want us to have food on our tables again.

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Pokemon Story - Brothers till the End of Time

I don't want to be rich. i'm not asking for precious minerals to be filling our mines. i'd be okay with mining iron. all i want is for the lively-hood of my family and town to be brought back. i want us to have food on our tables again.

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D.E1 Chapter 19: The Planet

be calm at all moments. the sensation of being sucked into a planet in such a small ship will be very intimidating but these ships are made to withstand these forces.

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