Sincerely, Me.

With a voice as soft as silk, she beckoned me to her side so i may bask in the resplendent glory of our creation, but in this moment, my legs failed me and all i could do was sit and stare in a silent stupor as the entire meaning of my existence presented

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The Emerald Blade (Bards Tales #1)

"the sword you have is blessed, with my ancient divine powers, carry this sword young warrior, and every tree plant and even the flowers are at your beckoning," and with that the deity was gone, standing

To Knock at Heaven's Door

They beckoned. i obliged. the initial rush! that first moment where gravity seems to let go before reminding you of its brutal nature.

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Spyro's Death, but Family Chapter One

The wind was beckoning. wolfs howled for hours with no end. wolfs were the most respectful beings in the world, of bravery, honor, and respected by all. too see these mighty creatures cry is a sight that no one sees in a life time.

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Learning Life

You are the only one who can make yourself seen in this world," a warm hand reaches out for me, beckoning me to embrace it. i think about what the voice had just told me, starting to come to some understanding of its words.

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Marasian Morning - For Starling

Ready to catch the eye of a lucky lady and beckon her within. with jovial spirits and tangible excitement, delta moves to her cherished antique register. the nickel plated contraption shines like precious silver.

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Recovery Center

A gentle bell resounded through the courtyard as a friendly voice beckoned others over. "hello! are you interested in donating to the recovery center? we help those who get sick feel better! anything is appreciated!"


Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 13: Corporate Business

Max beckoned him to follow him. "anyway, kevin's not coming. he's got a make-up class to attend." he let out a sigh. that was a... good thing?

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Olden Tymes

At its center a small town hall where a crier is out beckoning to the people. "hear ye, hear ye. all denizens of the realm are welcome into our town to celebrate the festival of hearth.

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Eternal bond Chapter 4 (Old)

My mother turned around and beckoned me to follow her, and the younger me stepped forward shyly. i, the current self, floated to where my mother stood looking down at my father, barely holding back her tears.

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Revolution | Chapter XII: The Fox and the Hare

"come, come," he beckoned for the two of us as he turned off his car and exited. "this is my home." well, at least we had accomplished another one of our objectives. we found lucian and we found his residence.

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Star Tiger, Moon Girl, Chapter 2

The metal-clad alien opened the door of the vehicle and the shaman climbed in, then beckoned, and he followed obediently.

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