Spyro's Death, but Family Chapter One

Story by Son of Ignitus on SoFurry

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The Day has come.

All creatures gathered around the northern part of the globe.

No one happy, all tears in their eyes.

The Day the mighty dragon, the Hero of all that is... DEAD

Not a word was spoke... no happiness... all love and hope was lost.

The clouds were darker grey then they have ever been. The wind was beckoning. Wolfs howled for hours with no end.

Wolfs were the most respectful beings in the world, of bravery, honor, and respected by all.

Too see these mighty creatures cry is a sight that no one sees in a life time.

For they never cried, not when they died, not when a friend past away... nothing.

Spyro was their hero. He had helped them in their only time in need. He was a part of their family, a part of all the packs.

But now the hero is gone... but will always be remembered for what he did.

"Wake up my son." Said an elderly dragon. Spyro opened his eyes to see Ignitus. His eyes were wet, crying to see his son dead.... Here with him.

"I always knew that you were my father." Spyro said smiling as he got up and hugged his father.

"I am so proud of what you have done.... For a dragon your age is incredible! But enough of that, time for you to see the rest of our family."

A red dragon, a few years young then Spyro ran up to hug him. Then so did another one, they are twins he smiled.

"Spyro! I am so glad to see you bro!" said the red one with blue eyes.

"I thought that we would never see you! I never had the chance to meet you before." Said the green eyed dragon.

"So, what's your names?"

" I am Flame, and this is Michael."

"But wait till you see the rest of the gang!" said Michael.

They got up and walked though a beautiful field of flowers. A pond was nearby that could be seen with fish jumping out.

This is what heaven looked like.

The four dragons were all the same size, but only Spyro had a different color. They soon reached a park that was big enough for a thousand dragons, but there was only three dragons sitting next to each other looking up at the blue sky."

"Mom! We got Spyro!"

A female dragon got up and turned to us. She was smiling to see that her son, Spyro, was finally here with his family.

"Nicole, Dave, go say hello to your big brother." she said. The two dragons walked over to me giving me a hug and Nicole gave me a kiss.

"Welcome home bro, we have missed you." said Dave.

I finally have my whole family back together! Spyro is here along with Dave, Nicole and Flame. This is the best day of all of our 'past-lives' I said. We got together while a photo was made of us.

There we stood. A family that is finally together. One that is stronger than any other. A family filled with fire breathers.

We are Dragons.

"Mom, dad, sibs, I am so happy to finally meet all of you. This day is by far the best thing anyone could wish for."

After that we saw a big dragon come over to us, he was a lot like us, and after all he is our grandfather. He is our mother's father.

He is Malefore.

"I am glad to see you to, my grandson."

Spyro turned around, somehow he knew not to attack, something was different about Malefore. He no longer looked pure evil, his body was no longer dark purple, more red now. His yellow eyes where back to his normal colored blue eyes.

Malefore was now more red than purple. Spyro realized this when he first got here. That after you die, you become an normal colored dragon, most likely the same color as your family. For to he was turning more red then purple.