Fox Curse

Mira had never met a male fox before in her life. She had spent the first days of her life burrowed for the winter under the snow-covered forest with just her mother and her sisters. She had no brothers. As curious as she was as to what a boy fox was...

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Sisu Lays an Egg

"Why would you come to me," Raya asked, "and not one of your brothers or sisters?" Sisu looked at Raya curiously. "Brothers and sisters are for trust and saving the world, you don't lay eggs in front of them, that's embarrassing." "And yet you'd come...

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A Spike for an Elephant

Eathy had always been afraid of pain, he was so afraid of it, he was seldom went anywhere without watching every step he took, always being sure he put it down carefully, because even a tiny twig poking him wrong in the feet would be too much for him....

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Antler to Antler - Part 5

EXT. FOREST - DAY Bracken stares at a tree truck. Shifting his hoof through the dirt, he charges. He collides with the trunk, RAMMING it again and again. Wood SPLINTERS, sweat rolls down his face. Finally, the trunk gives way, and the tree falls,...

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Antler to Antler - Part 4

EXT. DEEP FOREST - DAY/FLASHBACK A young Bracken, and his FATHER walk through the forest. Bracken is skipping around, butting trees. Father walks through the trees elegantly. FATHER: Keep practicing young one. Only by overcoming your competition...

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Hello Kitty Accidentally Kicks a Boy

Hello Kitty was practicing her karate moves in the courtyard during school recess. "Hello Kitty! I got something to show you!" Hello Kitty was so in the zone, she didn't notice someone coming up behind her. Hello Kitty lifted her foot, and kicked...

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Antler to Antler - Part 3

EXT. FOREST - NIGHT Bracken sits by the stream staring into the water. HOOFBEATS. Suddenly, Fern's beside him. FERN: Sorry we got interrupted back there, turns out Stag's quite a buck. Want to walk with me back to the clearing? Bracken takes...

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Antler to Antler - Part 2

EXT. FOREST CLEARING - NIGHT Bracken rubs his antlers against a tree, trying to work out a soreness in them. Stag steps up with a grin. STAG: You're going to have to be prepared to fight more than one buck for any single doe you know. BRACKEN:...

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Antler to Antler - Part 1

FADE IN: EXT. FOREST CLEARING - DAY Wind RUSTLES through the grass, a bright green clearing, a DOE grazing, all is calm-- POUND! Hoofs HIT the dirt, dig up soil, TWO BUCKS locked antler to antler, the doe careens back in shock as the bucks BUTT...

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Chikorita Catches a Mudkip

As her trainer napped in the shade of a nice Oak Tree, Chikorita had been let out of her Pokéball to stretch her legs and explore. As she was skipping through the woods, looking here and there, she suddenly froze as she saw him. The most adorable...

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 4: Village

Embryo had never felt so free as she swooped over the mountains, the feel of the air under her wing beats, how it flowed across her scales, the smell of pines and fresh snow on the jagged mountain peaks, for the first time, she actually felt like she...

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 3: Leaving

As Embryo and her parents entered their home after their lovely breakfast, Albumen turned to look at her. "So," she inquired, "What did you think?" "Well," Embryo began, "I quite liked the egg salad Caviar brought. I think she has some potential when...

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