Antler to Antler - Part 1

Story by rgii55447 on SoFurry

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#1 of Antler to Antler

Written for my Screenwriting Class at Humboldt State University.



Wind RUSTLES through the grass, a bright green clearing, a DOE grazing, all is calm--

POUND! Hoofs HIT the dirt, dig up soil, TWO BUCKS locked antler to antler, the doe careens back in shock as the bucks BUTT each other aside.

One of the deer looks up at her and grins, giving the other buck upper hand knocking him away, sending the first sprawling to the ground.

The second buck turns to look at the doe.

BUCK: Well sweetheart, looks like you're mine.

But before she can answer, STAG, an impressive buck, strong horns, full of muscles and himself, walks past. The second buck backs away with a bow as Stag glaces down at the doe.

Silence as Stag takes her in.

Finally, Stag gives a HUFF, and turns his head, continuing on his way.

At the edge of the clearing, standing in the treeline, BRACKEN, medium sized, evenly muscled, strong antlers, observes with curiosity. His gaze passes over the various bucks fighting, and settles on the more peaceful does, grazing in the grass. He watches them thoughtfully.

HOOFBEATS. Bracken turns to notice STAG approaching him.

STAG: Well hello. New to the Rut I see.

Bracken stands tall as he addresses him.

BRACKEN: I'm just... Taking it all in.

Stag looks Bracken up and down and snorts.

STAG: Taking it in? A strong buck like you should already out there, duking it out for a doe!

Stag hooks antlers with Bracken and tugs. Bracken digs his hooves into the earth, standing his ground.

BRACKEN: Oh no, that won't be necessary.

Stag yanks harder--

STAG: Go on! Fight!

--And Bracken is thrown into the clearing, colliding with another BUCK, butting heads.

Bracken pulls away and looks at the infuriated buck before him, nostrils FLARING, his hooves digging through the ground, ready to fight.

Bracken looks from Stag to the buck. He notices a doe standing off to the side, watching them anxiously. He cocks his head in interest.

BRACKEN: Hello, I'm Bracken.

DOE: Lilac.

The Buck before Bracken GROWLS.

BUCK: Hey! If you want her, you have to beat me!

BRACKEN: Wait. I haven't decided if I-

The Buck charges.

Bracken pulls out of the way, just in time to avoid contact. But the buck swings back and they connect, antler to antler.

Stag nods to himself, and takes a step back to watch.

Bracken uses his own antlers to push back against the Buck. The Buck twists his head to the side throwing Bracken off balance, but Bracken regains himself and butts back.

Bracken drives his antlers at the opponent again and again, until finally, the other buck stumbles back, and turns to flee.

Stag blinks from the sidelines, impressed.

Bracken straightens himself up regaining his breath. He turns back to Lilac and nods politely

And then a SECOND BUCK charges from the side, throwing Bracken into BLACK!

Antler to Antler - Part 2

EXT. FOREST CLEARING - NIGHT Bracken rubs his antlers against a tree, trying to work out a soreness in them. Stag steps up with a grin. STAG: You're going to have to be prepared to fight more than one buck for any single doe you know. BRACKEN:...

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