adam's eyes widened. could it be? he picked them up, wiped of the dust and saw... the cards of latias and latios! adam was speechless! he found two legendary cards, and they shine in the sunlight.
Janadam6, Latias, Latios, Pokemon
adam said
"why the hell not?!?!" i kind of yeld
"it would make me the only single one." adam said. then me and adrian both blushed.
"that's his way of saying yes. i guess we're a couple now, you are gay?"
Coming Out, Fox, Gay, No-Yiff, Wolf
Gym was the one class i had adam. he was the only other eevee in our highschool he is also one of the most popular kids at our school.
Eevee, No-Yiff, School, Sylveon
Within a matter of minutes, his love for adam became weak compared to his hate for adam. he shoved adam's paw off with his shoulder and curled into a ball, grabbing onto the stuffed bear adam gave him for their first anniversary.
Beagle, Cheating, Dalmatian, Drama, Fox, Husky, Love, Nate, Romance, School, Serie, Siberian Husky, Story Series, Suspense, a tail for two, at42, intertwined, invu, jack russel terrier, park
adam couldn't understand why he had worn pants that were so large on him, and with such long legs.
Fox, Rabbit, Transformation
Suddenly, adam hit the basket of painted eggs as he was painting and they fell. but it stopped midway in air, returning to the art table. all the children looked surprised at adam. "was that you?" a small girl deer asked feebly. "noo.."
Bird, Canine, Dog, Easter, Egg, Fun Children, Snake, Vore (soft), Wolf, dutchie
#7 of my college story
this is statring off where the last chapter ended
adam couldn't stop stareing at his new roomie. it was weirding him out.
"adam you're staring." i said
"woops! i'm sorry. my name is adam." he said
"nice to meet you."
Cheetah, Fox, M/M, Violence, Wolf
#6 of the monster fighters
so the monster fighters lead by adam have been founded
adam chester and tucker had met up at adam's place to really plan out what to really do next.
Goat, Magic, Series, Story