My Story Ch1

Story by ShadowFist18 on SoFurry

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#1 of My story

NOTICE: Jake and Adrian are my mine, so are the others even though they aren't that important they are still mine.

Hi, my name is Jake. I'm a wolf with dark brown fur and I'm six foot even. I'm gay, but not openly. Only two other people know. Mark and Adam, they're foxes, they're five foot nine. Mark is also gay while his brother is bi. Just recently a new kid moved into the town, we live in a small town where everybody knows each other. The first day I met him was the best day ever. He's a tall at six foot six muscluar wolf with the sweetest voice and the cutest little smile that will make you melt and make you forget your troubles.

"Hey guys ready for the last day of summer to be the best day ever?" I asked

"Yeah, do you care if I bring a date along with me?" Mark asked

"I don't, but you're brother may try to steal him from you." I said sarcasticly

"Shut up Jake, it was one time, plus you said I was the funner twin." Adam said

"No, I said I wonder if you're funner to hang with, because Mark just wanted to watch T.V." all the time. I said

So then we walked to Mark's dates house which was blasting "Bad Romance"

"What the hell Camron is gay?" I ask

"Yeah, he's really gay, he just hides it really well." Mark said

"Hell, he always used to give us crap about being gay".Adam said to Mark

"Go let you're boyfriend know we're here and we're ready to go." I said

"Okay, I'll be quick." Mark said then he went up to the house.

"You know, I'm not to fond of this song but it's really catchy, is it me or did it get louder?" I asked

"Yeah it did." Camron said

"You have one of the new iPod nano's, lucky. I have the crappy 3rd generation one." Adam said

"Hey, shut up you two and lets get going and will you please change that song, I hear it almost every day."

I said but as I said that the song ends and "A Little Piece Of Heaven" by "Avenged Sevenfold" plays and on the way to mall we all sing and we find out that Mark can sing. So we shoped for new clothes, music, and books, yes books. While I was looking for a cd I bump into the most gorgous look wolf.

"Ummmmm, sorry." I said shaking incontrollably

"Its fine, I should have been watching where I was standing." he said

"No, its my fault. Avenged Sevenfold a great self-titled album, A Little Peice Of Heaven great song."I said trying to start a conversation.

"Yeah, so I've heard, I though I'd check it out. If you like A7X you might like these guys." he said handing me a cd by Papercut Massacre called If These Scars Could Talk.

"Thanks man. I hate to leave you but my friends are leaving me behind. See ya around." I said then I paid for my cd's and left before the guys could leave me behind

"Who was that?" Mark asked

"I have no idea but he's really cute." I said

"Yeah he is, normaly I'd hit on him but since you saw him first I'll let you make the first move next time we see him." Adam said

"Thanks man, well I'll see you guys at school tomorrow.Want to meet at someones housee or at school?" I asked

"Our house Camron knows how to get there." Mark said

"All right, its a deal." I said then we split. All I could think of was that gorgous wolf, would I see him agian, is he gay, what does he think of me? There were so many thoughts running though my head. I fell asleep thinking of the new face in town.

The next day when I woke up mom and dad were gone, usual they had to get up at 5 a.m. there was note on the table

Have an nice day at school stay out of trouble, theres lunch money in the cookie jar. Won't be home till late.-Love Mom and Dad.

So I get ready for school get my schedule and go over it one more time, yes Algebra 1st period will be so easy to fall asleep in class. Then I grab a Pop-Tart and head for Mark and Adam's house on my wa ouyt I run right into them.

"What the hell!? I though we were gonna meet at your house?" I said

"Well, Cam wanted to see where you lived." Mark said

"Every body give you're schedules to me and I'll find out what class we have together." Adam said.

On the way to school we sang Rip Out the Wings of a Butterfly by H.I.M, luckly Cam had it on his iPod because no one could remember the words.

"Good news X 2, bad news, and really crappy news. Crappy new, we're here. Bad news Cam and Mark only have one class together. Good news the rest of have every class together, other good news" Adam just points and its the new wolf. My heart skipped a few beats when I saw the wolf but he got away before I could talk to him we only had a few minutes to get to class so Cam and Mark kissed we ran as not to miss the first day class of the last year of high school. Every class we did nothing but get list of the rules and learn the teachers name. With ten minuets in to lunch time is when I see the wolf and I get nervous as hell. Then I calm my self down then we go up to him.

"Ah, we meet agian". I said

"That we do." the wolf said

"I didn't get a chance to introduce myself I'm Jake. They are left-to-right Mark, Camron, and Adam."I said

"Nice to meet you all I'm Adrian. What class do you have next?" Adrian asked

"Same to you." the others said

"Biology with Mr.really hard last name." I said

"Mr.N somthing?" Adrian asked

"Yep, I check out that cd last night, it was really good." I said, I was screaming on the inside.

"Can I sit with you guys?" Adrian asked

"NO"! Adam said

"Why the hell not?!?!" I kind of yeld

"It would make me the only single one." Adam said. Then me and Adrian both blushed.

"That's his way of saying yes. I guess we're a couple now, you are gay?" I asked nervously

Then he leaned in and kiss me.

"Yes, we're a couple." Adrian said.

Then he kissed me again, but this time it lasted longer and more people were watching us. I never wanted It to end but it did by the sound of the b-lunch bell. In Biology we went over our schedules the rest of our classes are the same at the end of the day.

Adrian and me, Mark and Cam were the big news of the school. Adrian walked me home to realize that he lived a block over. We echanged cell numbers and addreses, when we got to door he kissed me and just as he did my parents opened the door the catch us kissing, we broke apart and I dropped the paper Adrian gave. Adrian left with out saying anything, they just looked at me and I knew what they were thinking.

The End

Part one, hoped you liked it, its a bit short, spur of the moment story. Critisim is welcomed.