Three little pigs
You are a vermon you demon dog i eat demon dogs like you for breakfast, oh so you eat demon dogs, no you imbecile you are a kung fu panda whose name is amanda.
Spirit Bound: Chapter 109
"so, you'll just have to skip kung fu today, liam. faelen and i have soccer practice, anyway." liam grimaced. "i should have refused the principal's request and let the hospital's charity department handle this.
ICG7: In Which There is Chocolate
Jump for the chocolate, easily reaching the meager height that she can hold it above my head; however, to my surprise she whips the chocolate out of my reach again and catches me with one foot, holding me over her head with a grin like some sort of tiny kung-fu
Identity: Chapter Fifty-Six
"my fiancé is a fucking detective" the coyote collapsed against ned's shoulder, her tail slapping against his leg "and yours his some kind of kung-fu genius." she laughed. "also throws knives like nobody's business.
Breeding and Quarantine part 2: The Vial
I jumped back to my feet like they do on thos kung fu shows that i watch every wednesday and started shooting them with the airsoft gun. everyone cheered when i stopped. "yeah! nothing can kill me!" oh yeah? eat lead!"
Chapter 40: Warm Friendship
Their fight is almost similar to a kung fu fighting style. shadowwolf, on the other hand, fought the third ogremon bare hand like a street fight, using the fist as his weak attack and his kick as his strong attack.
Battle Fur Freedom - Chapter One: Thieves and Flags
In the dead of night, in a medium sized apartment in some alien dimension, the famous Cooper gang gets to work. The night before, they were sucked through a wormhole along with many others by a robot entity calling itself "the Mastermind", who...
Shadow and Troy Pt. 5: Novus Amor
"i don't think his spiffy kung-fu is going to help him this time though. at least you got one last disgusting homo kiss time you see him, i'm not entirely sure he's going to have much of anything to kiss his faggot friends with." "troy!
Eggceptional Vacation Getaway: Miken
Did that mean he knew kung fu now? or was that something he had to train to learn. well, there was only one way to find out. miken glanced around looking for a target. spotting a tree in the distance of the field he quickly ran up to it.
Roberts Did Not Remember, Bobo Had Other Ideas
It's why i do google translates mtg on twitter, it's why i love those old flash cartoons where colin mochrie has a kung fu fight with jesus while songs in dutch get misheard in the subtitles, and it's why i decided to see if any other writers from the voice
Pokemon: Academy Days Trailer
And i plan to be the best kung-fu fighter one day." mikey introduced. benny smiled, "that's quite a dream. i work as a lifeguard and i'm a surfer, and i once dreamed of surpassing kyogre and lugia, the pokemon gods of the seas." he giggled.
Undertale: subject 13 part 1
She smile\* like you said, it's a secret david sanston: \*he laugh\* clever girl, someone picking up my little trick very quickly toriel: i learn from the best after all david sanston: i can see that, one day i will teach you my full secret arts of my kung-fu